Associations to the word «Discord»
- Sow
- Strife
- Harmony
- Concord
- Enmity
- Tranquillity
- Tumult
- Hera
- Aphrodite
- Apple
- Hatred
- Contention
- Anarchy
- Chord
- Quarrel
- Jar
- Envy
- Jealousy
- Animosity
- Variance
- Goddess
- Disagreement
- Bloodshed
- Confusion
- Tyranny
- Uproar
- Hegemony
- Bitterness
- Chaos
- Schism
- Faction
- Deluge
- Unity
- Tiberius
- Unison
- Intestine
- Seed
- Legion
- Melody
- Mischief
- Nobles
- Tempest
- Sovereign
- Olympus
- Stir
- Misery
- Howling
- Distrust
- Rivalry
- Peace
- Cease
- Dissatisfaction
- Dysfunction
- Hypocrisy
- Sunni
- Evil
- Shriek
- Sweetness
- Pathos
- Unrest
- Malice
- Cadence
- Twilight
DISCORD, noun. Lack of concord, agreement or harmony.
DISCORD, noun. Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.
DISCORD, noun. (music) An inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; a dissonance.
DISCORD, noun. Any harsh noise, or confused mingling of sounds.
DISCORD, verb. (archaic) To disagree; to be at variance; to fail to agree or harmonize; clash.
Dictionary definition
DISCORD, noun. Lack of agreement or harmony.
DISCORD, noun. Disagreement among those expected to cooperate.
DISCORD, noun. A harsh mixture of sounds.
DISCORD, noun. Strife resulting from a lack of agreement.
DISCORD, verb. Be different from one another.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.