Associations to the word «Mariana»
- Samoa
- Terra
- Northern
- Trench
- Vila
- Trieste
- Commonwealth
- Genevieve
- Island
- Tennyson
- Xxi
- Johanna
- Polynesia
- Caledonia
- Guerrero
- Okinawa
- Ignacio
- Caroline
- Typhoon
- Marshall
- Rico
- Atoll
- Trough
- Torres
- Challenger
- Cecilia
- Puerto
- Vanuatu
- Archipelago
- Sasha
- Collar
- Outcrop
- Ibrahim
- Leyte
- Estonia
- Ana
- Oceanic
- Papua
- Navarro
- Juan
- Macau
- Molina
- Nimitz
- Mina
- Cantata
- Ufo
- Peri
- Vargas
- Henri
- Angelo
- Arc
- Kingfisher
- Bomber
- Fiji
- Philippines
- Levy
- Isabel
- Federico
- Corsica
- Hawaii
- Conifer
- Pacific
- Pedro
- Dive
- Virgin
- Janice
- Marianne
- Paulo
- Solomon
- Alejandro
- Laos
- Ricardo
- Airfield
- Philippine
- Marcia
- Midway
- Magnitude
- Islander
- Dolores
- Claudio
- Chadwick
- Maria
- Waiver
- Xv
- Guinea
- Madagascar
MARIANA, proper noun. (obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae — now in Silybum.
MARIANA, proper noun. A female given name.
MARIANA TRENCH, proper noun. A submarine trench in the North Pacific Ocean, noted for having the deepest known point on Earth.
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.