Associations to the word «Kurdish»
- Kurd
- Kurdistan
- Assyrian
- Turkish
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Iranian
- Persian
- Sunni
- Separatist
- Syriac
- Iraq
- Syrian
- Azerbaijani
- Anatolia
- Islamist
- Aleppo
- Turkey
- Syria
- Karim
- Georgian
- Baghdad
- Militant
- Sheikh
- Osman
- Autonomy
- Iran
- Governorate
- Arab
- Dialect
- Sufi
- Alphabet
- Ahmad
- Istanbul
- Minority
- Militia
- Armenia
- Damascus
- Din
- Turk
- Linguist
- Abd
- Translator
- Refugee
- Ibrahim
- Conflict
- Caucasus
- Hassan
- Rebellion
- Neo
- Language
- Abdul
- Islam
- Pro
- Muslim
- Poet
- Rebel
- Massacre
- Tribe
- Killing
- Ali
- Fighter
- Descent
- Province
- Region
- Croatian
- Al
- Serbian
- Muhammad
- Regime
- Albanian
- Assassination
- Uzbek
- Kazakh
- Jews
- Northern
- Hussein
KURDISH, proper noun. Indo-Iranian language of Kurdistan (In the Mesopotamia region, from the Zagros of mid-western Iran to the eastern extension of the chain of the Taurus Mountains).
KURDISH, adjective. Of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language
Dictionary definition
KURDISH, noun. An Iranian language spoken in Turkey and Iran and Iraq and Syria and Russia.
KURDISH, adjective. Of or relating to Kurdistan or the Kurds or their language and culture; "Kurdish Moslems".
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.