Associations to the word «Abba»
- Mahmoud
- Mirza
- Shah
- Amir
- Mahmud
- Abu
- Palestinian
- Abd
- Ahmad
- Benny
- Ali
- Persia
- Hasan
- Mohammad
- Caliph
- Mia
- Gaza
- Mari
- Muhammad
- Tehran
- Hussain
- Iran
- Kerman
- Iranian
- Ibrahim
- Imam
- Bala
- Sheikh
- Musa
- Mamma
- Hassan
- Ottoman
- Akbar
- Rahman
- Allah
- Hadith
- Mohammed
- Baghdad
- Waterloo
- Hussein
- Ahmed
- Pasha
- Shia
- Fin
- Khalid
- Khan
- Dorset
- Vizier
- Amin
- Fars
- Uzbek
- Abdul
- Haifa
- Rabbi
- Georgian
- Tun
- Mun
- Penang
- Ottomans
- Yerevan
- Malik
- Mohamed
- Hamid
- Yeshiva
- Palestine
- Eurovision
- Karim
- Caliphate
- Jihad
- Sharif
- Talmud
- Israeli
- Pakistani
- Dar
- Armenian
- Moshe
- Emir
- Persian
- Aleppo
- Wadi
- Kamal
- Al
- Kapoor
- Tribute
- Pere
- Azerbaijan
- Mosque
- Marta
- Cairo
ABBA, noun. (Christianity) (Judaism) Father; religious superior; in the Syriac, Coptic, and Ethiopic churches, a title given to the bishops, and by the bishops to the patriarch; a title given to Jewish scholars in the Talmudic period.
ABBA, noun. Alternative form of aba
ABBA, noun. (Christianity) Father, an honorific title given to God in the New Testament, especially used in prayers. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.