Associations to the word «Mia»
- Mamma
- Pow
- Cara
- Martini
- Vita
- Che
- Alla
- Dyson
- Abba
- Martina
- Sulla
- Io
- Bella
- Lilly
- Casa
- Nell
- Pia
- Della
- Mover
- Anemia
- Mama
- Sickle
- Nel
- Lei
- Woody
- Una
- Donna
- Ripley
- Rosemary
- Choreographer
- Sara
- Peyton
- Tu
- Judges
- Porta
- Fg
- Ella
- Leukemia
- Aria
- Uno
- Git
- Di
- Belinda
- Musical
- Deficiency
- Mai
- Lymphoma
- Sinatra
- Mic
- Dominic
- Terra
- Melissa
- Ariel
- Haley
- Cabot
- Maestro
- Miami
- Italia
- Rosa
- Eyre
- Insulin
- Se
- Accounting
- Mango
- Si
- Dal
- Mi
- Ti
- Mccormick
- Dom
- Phantom
- Vietnam
- Choreography
- Olivia
- Jenna
- Napoli
- Serviceman
- Nicole
- Sta
- Amor
- Liza
- Tyler
- Alma
- Girlfriend
- Selma
- Tanya
- Hansen
- Hanoi
- Maureen
- Sophie
- Actress
- Yogi
MIA, noun. (classical studies) An ancient bluffing game played with dice.
MIA, noun. (Internet) (slang) bulimia (used especially by the pro-mia movement).
MIA, proper noun. A female given name.
MIA MAID, noun. (Mormonism) A 14-15 year old participant in the Young Women organization of the LDS Church.
MIA MAIDS, noun. Plural of Mia Maid
MIA MIA, noun. (Australia) An aboriginal shelter made from bark, a gunya.
Wise words
Think twice before you speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another.