Associations to the word «Dyson»


DYSON, proper noun. A surname of British origin
DYSON SHELL, noun. Synonym of Dyson sphere.
DYSON SHELLS, noun. Plural of Dyson shell
DYSON SPHERE, noun. A hypothetical system of orbiting solar power satellites meant to completely encompass a star and capture its entire energy output.
DYSON SPHERE, noun. (science fiction) A solid shell of matter enclosing a star.
DYSON SPHERES, noun. Plural of Dyson sphere
DYSON SWARM, noun. (science fiction) A system of movable, independent satellites that as a whole compose a Dyson sphere.
DYSON SWARMS, noun. Plural of Dyson swarm
DYSON TREE, noun. (science fiction) A hypothetical genetically engineered plant that could grow in a comet.
DYSON TREES, noun. Plural of Dyson tree

Wise words

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.
Ernest Hemingway