Associations to the word «Dyson»
- Freeman
- Councilor
- Sphere
- Cleaner
- Racing
- Esther
- Retainer
- Alms
- Slade
- Beverly
- Caldwell
- Mia
- Lola
- Mazda
- Physicist
- Vacuum
- Butch
- Perturbation
- Ronnie
- Huddersfield
- Mans
- Swarm
- Jeremy
- Lauren
- Hours
- Orion
- Lacy
- Kat
- Bo
- Graeme
- Conjecture
- Starship
- Spiral
- Moran
- Astronomer
- Ambrose
- Ballard
- Noel
- Kepler
- Dawkins
- Fitzroy
- Tracy
- Audi
- Jerome
- Alien
- Enclosure
- Eric
- Alpha
- V6
- Huber
- Haas
- Podium
- Andre
- Neumann
- Cuthbert
- Johnstone
- Bose
- Titan
- Watson
- Kris
- Emilia
- Purcell
- Einstein
- Kickoff
- Geoff
- Cartoonist
- Intimacy
- Laird
- Picard
- Harlow
- Dd
- Neal
- Fresno
- Riley
- Mk
- Miles
- Kevin
- Watford
- Astronaut
- Mathematician
- Cornell
- Worcestershire
- Ire
- Civilization
- Sheffield
- Holt
- Burglar
- Ida
- Snapping
- Cyclone
- Electorate
DYSON, proper noun. A surname of British origin
DYSON SHELL, noun. Synonym of Dyson sphere.
DYSON SHELLS, noun. Plural of Dyson shell
DYSON SPHERE, noun. A hypothetical system of orbiting solar power satellites meant to completely encompass a star and capture its entire energy output.
DYSON SPHERE, noun. (science fiction) A solid shell of matter enclosing a star.
DYSON SPHERES, noun. Plural of Dyson sphere
DYSON SWARM, noun. (science fiction) A system of movable, independent satellites that as a whole compose a Dyson sphere.
DYSON SWARMS, noun. Plural of Dyson swarm
DYSON TREE, noun. (science fiction) A hypothetical genetically engineered plant that could grow in a comet.
DYSON TREES, noun. Plural of Dyson tree
Wise words
All our words from loose using have lost their edge.