Associations to the word «Kris»
- Menace
- Mcgee
- Draper
- Kicker
- Abs
- Wilkinson
- Zimmerman
- Javanese
- Texan
- Dirk
- Jennings
- Cash
- Newbury
- Bryant
- Willie
- Boyd
- Claus
- Nanotechnology
- Jenkins
- Norris
- Zoe
- Ravi
- Dagger
- Cheryl
- Viola
- Demeanor
- Holm
- Rita
- Benson
- Td
- Allen
- Roe
- Mcqueen
- Defenceman
- Hartmann
- Infirmary
- Malay
- Travis
- Lambert
- Kelvin
- Mccarthy
- Idol
- Holden
- Kendall
- Slater
- Neville
- Yates
- Myers
- Outlaw
- Fg
- Mastering
- Martinez
- Dyson
- Ricky
- Nelson
- Kin
- Stephens
- Sanchez
- Fisher
- Jessica
- Songwriter
- Renegade
- Earle
- Lopez
- Shaun
- Clarkson
- Ernst
- Anson
- Bobby
- Halftime
- Romani
- Elliot
- Rajah
- Jonny
- Hanna
- Drummer
- Spy
- Hilt
- Filly
- Joel
- Rosie
- Buzz
- Jensen
- Rob
- Dylan
- Lauren
- Geoff
- Nashville
- Guitarist
- Alison
- Gerard
- Johnny
- Bonnie
- Marshall
- Herald
KRIS, noun. An Indonesian or Malay dagger with a wavy, or rigid serpentine blade.
KRIS, noun. A Moro sword with an asymmetrical blade.
KRIS, verb. (transitive) To stab with a kris.
KRIS, proper noun. A diminutive of the female given names Kristina, Christina, and related given names.
KRIS, proper noun. A diminutive of the male given names Christopher, Christian, and related given names.
KRIS KINDLE, noun. Alternative term for secret Santa
KRIS KRINGLE, proper noun. Santa Claus.
Dictionary definition
KRIS, noun. A Malayan dagger with a wavy blade.
Wise words
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them for the first time.