Associations to the word «Kin»
- Kinship
- Git
- Totem
- Dat
- Fer
- Dey
- Cheung
- Descent
- Lau
- Deceased
- Terminology
- Ter
- Nigger
- Lair
- Notification
- Strife
- Relative
- Lam
- Spouse
- Lineage
- Feller
- Kinsman
- Mini
- Jest
- Chan
- Clan
- Tusk
- Johns
- Lai
- Wong
- Ole
- Clam
- Sibling
- Chung
- Taboo
- Selection
- Abby
- Platt
- Groom
- Squid
- Ping
- Chi
- Mun
- Sai
- Kris
- Chun
- Hung
- Fitness
- Ming
- Wan
- Orc
- Dar
- Hop
- Folk
- Avoidance
- Mak
- Mama
- Chow
- Smallpox
- Grandparent
- Dem
- Ob
- Offspring
- Yew
- Elf
- Ag
- Yam
- Chong
- Drow
- Grouping
- Cheng
- Feud
- Cousin
- Bout
- Jen
- Ancestor
- Kan
- Inheritance
- Wat
KIN, noun. Race; family; breed; kind.
KIN, noun. (collectively) Persons of the same race or family; kindred.
KIN, noun. One or more relatives, such as siblings or cousins, taken collectively.
KIN, noun. Relationship; same-bloodedness or affinity; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent.
KIN, noun. Kind; sort; manner; way.
KIN, adjective. Related by blood or marriage, akin. Generally used in "kin to".
KIN, noun. A primitive Chinese musical instrument of the cittern kind, with from five to twenty-five silken strings.
KIN, noun. Alternative form of k'in
KIN STATE, noun. A state or nation having diaspora who live in a different state.
KIN STATES, noun. Plural of kin state
Dictionary definition
KIN, noun. A person having kinship with another or others; "he's kin"; "he's family".
KIN, noun. Group of people related by blood or marriage.
KIN, adjective. Related by blood.
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.