Associations to the word «Benny»
- Goodman
- Dorsey
- Parsons
- Ellington
- Abba
- Saxophonist
- Friedman
- Rachael
- Gillespie
- Carter
- Sinatra
- Trumpeter
- Rubin
- Frankie
- Trombone
- Bing
- Woody
- Morris
- Sampson
- Billie
- Crosby
- Chan
- Lyle
- Jack
- Gallagher
- Clarinet
- Arranger
- Hines
- Lionel
- Medina
- Jazz
- Sonny
- Barnet
- Sax
- Teddy
- Cantor
- Mel
- Livingstone
- Hampton
- Chick
- Hawkins
- Ella
- Comedian
- Peggy
- Vaudeville
- Glenn
- Saxophone
- Sasha
- Fenton
- Powell
- Dix
- Bailey
- Coleman
- Sammy
- Eddie
- Swing
- Hester
- Burns
- Darrell
- Herman
- Ethan
- Dip
- Ernie
- Tommy
- Savoy
- Henderson
- Freddie
- Armstrong
- Orchestra
- Carnegie
- Manny
- Edgar
- Skit
- Entertainer
- Blanc
- Dinah
- Charlie
- Gag
- Kenny
- Stan
- Lucille
- Boom
- Horne
- Buddy
- Mcgee
- Jackie
- Monty
- Rollins
- Petty
- Webb
BENNY, noun. (slang) An amphetamine tablet.
BENNY, noun. (UK) (slang) A tantrum; a fit of furious or erratic behaviour.
BENNY, noun. (informal) A benefit.
BENNY, proper noun. A male nickname for Benjamin.
BENNY, proper noun. A female nickname for Bernice or Bernadette.
BENNY, noun. (British) (slang) A stupid or dull-witted person.
BENNY, noun. (British) (slang) A temper tantrum
BENNY, noun. (US) A one-hundred-dollar bill.
Dictionary definition
BENNY, noun. East Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil.
BENNY, noun. United States comedian known for his timeing and delivery and self-effacing humor (1894-1974).
Wise words
You can change your world by changing your words...
Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.