Associations to the word «Clarinet»
- Bassoon
- Oboe
- Flute
- Saxophone
- Trombone
- Cello
- Cymbal
- Sax
- Quintet
- Viola
- Piano
- Trumpet
- Violin
- Harp
- Concerto
- Soprano
- Horn
- Percussion
- Alto
- Brahms
- Tenor
- Cor
- Sonata
- Quartet
- Harpsichord
- Snare
- Banjo
- String
- Mozart
- Soloist
- Orchestra
- Trio
- Tam
- Solo
- Mandolin
- Bass
- Saxophonist
- Ensemble
- Op
- Harmonica
- Rhapsody
- Contra
- Synthesizer
- Instrumentation
- Instrument
- Recorder
- Symphony
- Triangle
- Octave
- Drum
- Goodman
- Roscoe
- Philharmonic
- Benny
- Accompaniment
- Celeste
- Conservatory
- Chime
- Gong
- Fiddle
- Choir
- Electronic
- Flat
- Cantata
- Repertoire
- Jazz
- Opus
- Dorsey
- Guitar
- Vibe
- Keyboard
- Reed
- Ellington
- Combo
- Arranger
- Schubert
- Suite
- Melody
- Duet
- Amadeus
CLARINET, noun. (musici) A woodwind musical instrument that has a distinctive liquid tone whose characteristics vary among its three registers: chalumeau (low), clarion (medium), and altissimo (high).
Dictionary definition
CLARINET, noun. A single-reed instrument with a straight tube.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul