Associations to the word «Flute»
- Bassoon
- Oboe
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Harp
- Cello
- Cymbal
- Trombone
- Sax
- Harpsichord
- Viola
- Violin
- Sonata
- Trumpet
- Piano
- Percussion
- Soprano
- Concerto
- Mozart
- Horn
- Quintet
- Alto
- Lute
- Tenor
- Recorder
- Mandolin
- Fiddle
- Cor
- Whistle
- Harmonica
- Amadeus
- String
- Accompaniment
- Quartet
- Snare
- Soloist
- Gong
- Synthesizer
- Instrument
- Orchestra
- Banjo
- Tam
- Octave
- Ensemble
- Bass
- Drum
- Trio
- Keyboard
- Op
- Instrumentation
- Cantata
- Synth
- Rattle
- Solo
- Guitar
- Chime
- Melody
- Fife
- Roscoe
- Symphony
- Celeste
- Saxophonist
- Champagne
- Duet
- Vibe
- Vocal
- Hubert
- Choir
- Playing
- Reed
- Pipe
- Triangle
- Haydn
- Conservatory
- Handel
- Wolfgang
- Organ
- Laws
- Opus
- Duct
- Mann
- Bach
Pictures for the word «Flute»
FLUTE, noun. (musical instruments) A woodwind instrument consisting of a tube with a row of holes that produce sound through vibrations caused by air blown across the edge of the holes, often tuned by plugging one or more holes with a finger; the Western concert flute, a transverse side-blown flute of European origin.
FLUTE, noun. A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne.
FLUTE, noun. A lengthwise groove, such as one of the lengthwise grooves on a classical column, or a groove on a cutting tool (such as a drill bit, endmill, or reamer), which helps to form both a cutting edge and a channel through which chips can escape
FLUTE, noun. (architecture) (firearms) A semicylindrical vertical groove, as in a pillar, in plaited cloth, or in a rifle barrel to cut down the weight.
FLUTE, noun. A long French bread roll.
FLUTE, noun. An organ stop with a flute-like sound.
FLUTE, verb. (intransitive) To play on a flute.
FLUTE, verb. (intransitive) To make a flutelike sound.
FLUTE, verb. (transitive) To utter with a flutelike sound.
FLUTE, verb. (transitive) To form flutes or channels in (as in a column, a ruffle, etc.); to cut a semicylindrical vertical groove in (as in a pillar, etc.).
FLUTE, noun. A kind of flyboat; a storeship.
Dictionary definition
FLUTE, noun. A high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown.
FLUTE, noun. A tall narrow wineglass.
FLUTE, noun. A groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column).
FLUTE, verb. Form flutes in.
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.