Associations to the word «Plea»


PLEA, noun. An appeal, petition, urgent prayer or entreaty.
PLEA, noun. An excuse; an apology.
PLEA, noun. That which is alleged or pleaded, in defense or in justification.
PLEA, noun. (legal) That which is alleged by a party in support of his cause.
PLEA, noun. (legal) An allegation of fact in a cause, as distinguished from a demurrer.
PLEA, noun. (legal) The defendant’s answer to the plaintiff’s declaration and demand.
PLEA, noun. (legal) A cause in court; a lawsuit; as, the Court of Common Pleas.
PLEA BARGAIN, noun. (US) (legal) An agreement in which a defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge instead of not guilty to a greater one
PLEA BARGAINING, noun. The process of negotiating a verdict and sentence without a complete trial.
PLEA BARGAINING, verb. Alternative spelling of plea-bargaining
PLEA BARGAINS, noun. Plural of plea bargain
PLEA DEAL, noun. (legal) A plea bargain.
PLEA DEALS, noun. Plural of plea deal
PLEA IN ABATEMENT, noun. (legal) Plea to the effect that from some formal defect (e.g. misnomer, want of jurisdiction) the proceedings should be abated.
PLEA OF THE CROWN, noun. (British legal) A legal action against a criminal.

Dictionary definition

PLEA, noun. A humble request for help from someone in authority.
PLEA, noun. (law) a defendant's answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer).
PLEA, noun. An answer indicating why a suit should be dismissed.

Wise words

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
Noam Chomsky