Associations to the word «Legislator»
- Jurist
- Caucus
- Lobbying
- Legislative
- Wisconsin
- Legislature
- Constituent
- Legislation
- Veto
- Repeal
- Westchester
- Alec
- Judiciary
- Republican
- Taxpayer
- Congressman
- Capitol
- Lawyer
- Businessman
- Territorial
- Voter
- Planter
- Lobby
- Rancher
- Regulator
- Bribe
- Elect
- Impeachment
- Senator
- Bureaucrat
- Educator
- Reelection
- Lau
- Democrat
- Representative
- Suffrage
- Advocacy
- Statesman
- Override
- Freshman
- Parliamentarian
- Senate
- Vote
- Yuan
- Minnesota
- Abortion
- Session
- Oversight
- Statute
- Judge
- Bribery
- Bill
- Governor
- Ballot
- Assembly
- Coalition
- Louisiana
- Amendment
- Congress
- Cheung
- Appropriation
- Attorney
- Constituency
- Massachusetts
- Abolitionist
- Magistrate
- Reformer
- Executive
- Populist
- Statehood
LEGISLATOR, noun. Someone who creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body.
Dictionary definition
LEGISLATOR, noun. Someone who makes or enacts laws.
Wise words
Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and
meanings differently arranged have different effects.