Associations to the word «Batman»
- Gotham
- Superman
- Joker
- Damian
- Grayson
- Superhero
- Bold
- Robin
- Brave
- Bane
- Scarecrow
- Beyond
- Comic
- Dc
- Wayne
- Villain
- Lex
- Cyborg
- Bruce
- Nolan
- Vicki
- Bat
- Asylum
- Adventures
- Harley
- Rogue
- Schumacher
- Crossover
- Henchman
- Lantern
- Storyline
- Penguin
- Dracula
- Firefly
- Tombstone
- Super
- Bale
- Chill
- Hush
- Mite
- Chronicles
- Outsider
- Knight
- Dent
- Miniseries
- Ra
- Collect
- Continuity
- Blockbuster
- Halloween
- Adversary
- Freeze
- Kane
- Ivy
- Waller
- Gordon
- Snyder
- Reprise
- Eternal
- Flash
- Cassandra
- Ninja
- Costume
- Return
- Nemesis
- Bullock
- Dick
- Burton
- Apocalypse
- Gadget
- Forever
- Serial
- Martian
- Titan
- Lois
- Wonder
- Antidote
- Bros
- Metropolis
- Hornet
- Morrison
- Sequel
- Booster
- Burt
- Alfred
BATMAN, noun. (military) A servant or valet to an army officer.
BATMAN, noun. A unit of weight used in the East.
BATMAN, proper noun. A province in Turkey.
BATMAN, proper noun. The capital city of Batman Province, Turkey.
BATMAN, proper noun. A fictional hero of DC Comics whose name is Bruce Wayne and who uses a bat-themed costume and equipment and regularly has the assistance of his sidekick Robin.
Dictionary definition
BATMAN, noun. An orderly assigned to serve a British military officer.
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.