Associations to the word «Bullock»
- Sandra
- Cart
- Hiram
- Plough
- Wynn
- Oriole
- Yoke
- Macy
- Camel
- Gotham
- Seth
- Rufus
- Harvey
- Ox
- Workman
- Geoff
- Sheep
- Cow
- Fanny
- Rupee
- Reggie
- Texan
- Mallory
- Goat
- Draught
- Reeves
- Dung
- Calf
- Ike
- Batman
- Mule
- Cattle
- Plow
- Webber
- Tina
- Weeks
- Avery
- Slaughter
- Hitler
- Mae
- Steer
- Mckenzie
- Elephant
- Chick
- Gordon
- Atonement
- Beef
- Piccadilly
- Alan
- Stagecoach
- Progeny
- Dutchman
- Emu
- Marko
- Carcass
- Hog
- Hauling
- Pasadena
- Wagon
- Butcher
- Donkey
- Bugle
- Osborne
- Stan
- Felipe
- Herd
- Horseback
- Lamb
- Hump
- Hearst
- Randy
- Horn
- Frazier
- Charley
- Horse
- Montana
- Caravan
- Carriage
- Vernon
- Fitzpatrick
- Nathaniel
- Lacy
BULLOCK, noun. (archaic) A young bull.
BULLOCK, noun. A castrated bull; an ox.
BULLOCK, verb. (obsolete) To bully.
BULLOCK, proper noun. A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Arthur Allman Bullock (1906-1980).
BULLOCK, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
BULLOCK, noun. Young bull.
BULLOCK, noun. Castrated bull.
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.