Associations to the word «Burnt»
- Cinder
- Effigy
- Incense
- Offering
- Ash
- Bonfire
- Toast
- Kiln
- Arson
- Heretic
- Ember
- Stink
- Heresy
- Gunpowder
- Stake
- Candle
- Smell
- Stench
- Burning
- Altar
- Grate
- Toulon
- Inquisition
- Brick
- Flame
- Sulphur
- Wick
- Hearth
- Odour
- Sacrifice
- Fire
- Lime
- Urn
- Odor
- Taper
- Wildfire
- Stump
- Fen
- Cork
- Almond
- Fume
- Hickory
- Powder
- Flesh
- Furnace
- Dung
- Corpse
- Witchcraft
- Heap
- Burn
- Smoke
- Atonement
- Mound
- Friedman
- Executioner
- Flint
- Nikita
- Chimney
- Wreckage
- Aroma
BURNT, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of burn
BURNT, adjective. (of food) Carbonised.
BURNT, adjective. (of a person) Having a sunburn.
BURNT, adjective. (of a colour) Being darker than standard, especially browner.
BURNT DOWN, verb. Past participle of burn down
BURNT EAR, noun. Smut (a black powdery fungus which destroys grain)
BURNT OFFERING, noun. A slaughtered animal offered and burnt on an altar, as an atonement for sin
BURNT OFFERING, noun. By extension, any item offered to deities and/or the deceased in such a way
BURNT OFFERING, noun. A sacrifice
BURNT OFFERING, noun. (humorous) Overcooked food.
BURNT ORANGE, noun. A dark shade of orange.
BURNT ORANGE, adjective. Of a dark shade of orange.
BURNT ORANGES, noun. Plural of burnt orange
BURNT SIENNA, noun. Dark reddish brown colour, like that of roasted sienna.
BURNT SIENNA, adjective. Of a dark reddish brown colour, like that of roasted sienna.
BURNT THE MIDNIGHT OIL, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of burn the midnight oil
BURNT TO A CRISP, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of burn to a crisp
BURNT UMBER, noun. A deep brown colour.
BURNT UMBER, adjective. Of a deep brown colour.
Dictionary definition
BURNT, adjective. Ruined by overcooking; "she served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits".
BURNT, adjective. Treated by heating to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point; "burnt sienna".
BURNT, adjective. Destroyed or badly damaged by fire; "a row of burned houses"; "a charred bit of burnt wood"; "a burned-over site in the forest"; "barricaded the street with burnt-out cars".
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.