Associations to the word «Sacked»
- Fumble
- Interception
- Quarterback
- Tackle
- Vandal
- Punt
- Gaul
- Crusader
- Constantinople
- Trojan
- Heracles
- Crusade
- Troy
- Redskin
- Rome
- Touchdown
- Raider
- Mongol
- Yard
- Packer
- Viking
- Baghdad
- Patriot
- Cowboy
- Defense
- Loss
- Spoil
- Pass
- Flour
- Lions
- Linebacker
- Lineman
- Persian
- Sad
- Berwick
- Mahmud
- Recovery
- Sack
- Breakup
- Oat
- Caretaker
- Tbilisi
- Horde
- Byzantine
- Mercenary
- Privateer
- Euphrates
- Turnover
- Babylon
- Carthage
- Potato
- Tweed
- Animosity
- Pisum
- Mughal
- Senior
- Turnip
- Grain
- Bc
- Quart
- Invader
- Siege
- Plunder
Pictures for the word «Sacked»
SACK, noun. A bag; especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities, such as potatoes, coal, coffee; or, a bag with handles used at a supermarket, a grocery sack; or, a small bag for small items, a satchel.
SACK, noun. The amount a sack holds; also, an archaic or historical measure of varying capacity, depending on commodity type and according to local usage; an old English measure of weight, usually of wool, equal to 13 stone (182 pounds), or in other sources, 26 stone (364 pounds).
SACK, noun. (uncountable) The plunder and pillaging of a captured town or city.
SACK, noun. (uncountable) Loot or booty obtained by pillage.
SACK, noun. (American football) A successful tackle of the quarterback. See verb sense3 below.
SACK, noun. (baseball) One of the square bases anchored at first base, second base, or third base.
SACK, noun. (informal) Dismissal from employment, or discharge from a position, usually as give (someone) the sack or get the sack. See verb sense4 below.
SACK, noun. (colloquial) (US) Bed; usually as hit the sack or in the sack. See also sack out.
SACK, noun. (dated) (also sacque) A kind of loose-fitting gown or dress with sleeves which hangs from the shoulders, such as a gown with a Watteau back or sack-back, fashionable in the late 17th to 18th century; or, formerly, a loose-fitting hip-length jacket, cloak or cape.
SACK, noun. (dated) A sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam.
SACK, noun. (vulgar) (slang) The scrotum.
SACK, verb. To put in a sack or sacks.
SACK, verb. To bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders.
SACK, verb. To plunder or pillage, especially after capture; to obtain spoils of war from.
SACK, verb. (American football) To tackle, usually to tackle the offensive quarterback behind the line of scrimmage before he is able to throw a pass.
SACK, verb. (informal) To discharge from a job or position; to fire.
SACK, verb. (colloquial) In the phrase sack out, to fall asleep. See also hit the sack.
SACK, noun. (dated) A variety of light-colored dry wine from Spain or the Canary Islands; also, any strong white wine from southern Europe; sherry.
SACK, verb. Alternative spelling of sac
SACK, noun. Alternative spelling of sac
SACK BARROW, noun. A two-wheeled vehicle used for moving sacks and other heavy items.
SACK BARROWS, noun. Plural of sack barrow
SACK MAN, noun. Folkloric character in many Latin American countries, who collects naughty children in a large sack and eats them.
SACK OF FLESH, noun. (derogatory) Somebody who barely qualifies as human, if at all.
SACK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To fall asleep, usually from implied exhaustion.
SACK RACE, noun. (games) (racing) A race in which competitors stand in a sack or similar item and try to be the first to jump to the finish line.
SACK RACES, noun. Plural of sack race
SACK TRUCK, noun. A two-wheeled vehicle used for moving sacks and other heavy items.
SACK TRUCKS, noun. Plural of sack truck
Dictionary definition
SACK, noun. A bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases.
SACK, noun. An enclosed space; "the trapped miners found a pocket of air".
SACK, noun. The quantity contained in a sack.
SACK, noun. Any of various light dry strong white wine from Spain and Canary Islands (including sherry).
SACK, noun. A woman's full loose hiplength jacket.
SACK, noun. A hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily.
SACK, noun. A loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist.
SACK, noun. The plundering of a place by an army or mob; usually involves destruction and slaughter; "the sack of Rome".
SACK, noun. The termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart).
SACK, verb. Plunder (a town) after capture; "the barbarians sacked Rome".
SACK, verb. Terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers".
SACK, verb. Make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million".
SACK, verb. Put in a sack; "The grocer sacked the onions".
Wise words
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who
are absent.