Associations to the word «Caretaker»
- Manager
- Placement
- Dismissal
- Cottage
- Resignation
- Lunch
- Voyager
- Argus
- Relegation
- Interim
- Quadrant
- Departure
- Barnsley
- Spell
- Cleaner
- Colchester
- Breakfast
- Coach
- Barnet
- Cabinet
- Gareth
- Parenting
- Blackpool
- Bangladesh
- Neglect
- Assistant
- Gorman
- Watchman
- Responsibility
- Orphanage
- Appointment
- Crewe
- Albion
- Stint
- Homecoming
- Curtis
- Bungalow
- Grady
- Aston
- Dissolution
- Italic
- Hodgson
- Darlington
- Coaching
- Infant
- Meth
- Caregiver
- Gardener
- Prime
- Fulham
- Ahmed
- Homelessness
- Grimsby
- Rahman
- Huddersfield
- Swindon
- Grayson
- Kerr
- Gerry
- Adviser
- Mick
- Barn
- Minister
- Mccall
- Leicester
- Harold
- Chesterfield
- Bangladeshi
- Pearce
- Johnstone
- Charge
- Dunne
- Grandparent
- Rover
- Neil
- Sunderland
- Advisor
CARETAKER, noun. Someone who takes care of a place or thing; someone looking after somewhere, or with responsibility for keeping a place in good repair.
CARETAKER, noun. Someone who takes care of a person; a parent, carer or other guardian.
CARETAKER, adjective. (chiefly UK) Temporary, on a short term basis.
CARETAKER GOVERNMENT, noun. (politics) A type of government that rules temporarily.
CARETAKER GOVERNMENTS, noun. Plural of caretaker government
Dictionary definition
CARETAKER, noun. A custodian who is hired to take care of something (property or a person).
CARETAKER, noun. An official who performs the duties of an office temporarily; "he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.