Associations to the word «Minister»
- Presbyterian
- Prime
- Parishioner
- Sacrament
- Congregation
- Ordination
- Reverend
- Ministry
- Sick
- Cabinet
- Ad
- Chaplain
- Nehru
- Extraordinary
- Thatcher
- Tabernacle
- Indira
- Pastor
- Unitarian
- Baptism
- Finance
- Sharif
- Portfolio
- Rudd
- Modus
- Ransom
- Magdalene
- Priesthood
- Tun
- Knesset
- Saviour
- Galilee
- Missionary
- Anesthesia
- Priest
- Evangelist
- Flock
- Yew
- Susanna
- Envoy
- Affair
- Jesuit
- Toil
- Gandhi
- Mines
- Franciscan
- Gospel
- Preacher
- Clergyman
- Opioid
- Garb
- Barak
- Apostle
- Premier
- Resignation
- Churchill
- Clergy
- Bishopric
- Christ
- Mohamed
- Downing
- Sheikh
- Him
- Bahadur
- Communion
- Sabah
- Defence
- Winston
- Catholic
- Diocese
- Rector
- Episcopal
- Mahmoud
- Parish
- Blair
- Mohammad
- Moshe
- Interior
MINISTER, noun. A person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church.
MINISTER, noun. A politician who heads a ministry (national or regional government department for public service).
MINISTER, noun. At a diplomacy, the rank of diplomat directly below ambassador.
MINISTER, noun. A servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument.
MINISTER, verb. (transitive) To attend to (the needs of); to tend; to take care (of); to give aid; to give service.
MINISTER, verb. To function as a clergyman or as the officiant in church worship
MINISTER, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To afford, to give, to supply.
MINISTER WITHOUT PORTFOLIO, noun. (politics) A member of a government having the rank of cabinet minister, but not assigned to oversee a particular government department or other permanent area of responsibility.
Dictionary definition
MINISTER, noun. A person authorized to conduct religious worship; "clergymen are usually called ministers in Protestant churches".
MINISTER, noun. A person appointed to a high office in the government; "Minister of Finance".
MINISTER, noun. A diplomat representing one government to another; ranks below ambassador.
MINISTER, noun. The job of a head of a government department.
MINISTER, verb. Attend to the wants and needs of others; "I have to minister to my mother all the time".
MINISTER, verb. Work as a minister; "She is ministering in an old parish".
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.