Associations to the word «Offering»
- Incense
- Sacrifice
- Baccalaureate
- Tithe
- Altar
- Devotee
- Atonement
- Incentive
- Deity
- Ritual
- Shrine
- Worshipper
- Undergraduate
- Alms
- Mantra
- Prayer
- Bribe
- Invocation
- Deceased
- Tabernacle
- Thanksgiving
- Purification
- Eucharist
- Diploma
- Figurine
- Osiris
- Provider
- Menu
- Curriculum
- Consultancy
- Rite
- Telecom
- Vendor
- Customer
- Israelites
- Hospitality
- Subscription
- Worship
- Heave
- Faithful
- Reward
- Internship
- Horus
- Mba
- Recitation
- Veneration
- Advice
- Goddess
- Buddha
- Indra
- Equity
- Placement
- Bidder
- Gift
- Tomb
- Catering
- Investor
- Giver
- Vow
- Chanting
- Waving
- Stock
- Blessing
- Ancestor
- Temple
- Counseling
OFFERING, verb. Present participle of offer
OFFERING, noun. An act of offering.
OFFERING, noun. That which has been offered; a sacrifice.
OFFERING, noun. An oblation or presentation made as a religious act.
OFFERING, noun. A contribution given at a religious service.
OFFERING, noun. Something put forth, bid, proffered or tendered.
Dictionary definition
OFFERING, noun. Something offered (as a proposal or bid); "noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds".
OFFERING, noun. Money contributed to a religious organization.
OFFERING, noun. The verbal act of offering; "a generous offer of assistance".
OFFERING, noun. The act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity; "oblations for aid to the poor".
Wise words
Think twice before you speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another.