Associations to the word «Recitation»


RECITATION, noun. The act of publicly reciting something previously memorized.
RECITATION, noun. The material recited.
RECITATION, noun. A regularly scheduled class, in a school, in which discussion occurs of the material covered in a parallel lecture.

Dictionary definition

RECITATION, noun. Written matter that is recited from memory.
RECITATION, noun. A public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance; "the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems".
RECITATION, noun. A regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study.
RECITATION, noun. Systematic training by multiple repetitions; "practice makes perfect".

Wise words

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.
Stephen King