Associations to the word «Doctoral»
- Dissertation
- Thesis
- Phd
- Undergraduate
- Baccalaureate
- Degree
- Fellowship
- Bachelor
- Doctorate
- Supervision
- Graduate
- Advisor
- Mellon
- Psychology
- Master
- Planck
- Mba
- Champaign
- Ph
- Internship
- Supervisor
- Specialization
- Urbana
- Diploma
- Post
- Harvard
- Faculty
- Biochemistry
- Sociology
- Carnegie
- Research
- Uppsala
- Awarding
- University
- Philology
- Professorship
- Anthropology
- Program
- Economics
- Dentistry
- Berkeley
- Psychologist
- Stanford
- Researcher
- Student
- Pharmacology
- Physics
- Cornell
- Nursing
- Fellow
- Study
- Scholarship
- Lund
- Lecturer
- Heidelberg
- Residency
- Bonn
- Pursuing
- Programme
- Certificate
- Yale
- Lille
- Theology
- Offer
- Mcgill
- Princeton
- Summa
- Johns
- Amherst
- Accreditation
- Pharmacy
- Counseling
- Mathematics
- Monograph
- Economic
- Freiburg
- Epidemiology
- Seminary
- Candidate
DOCTORAL, adjective. Relating to a doctorate.
DOCTORAL, adjective. Pertaining to a medical doctor or physician.
DOCTORAL THESIS, noun. A research paper that students write in order to complete the requirements for a doctorate; a dissertation.
Dictionary definition
DOCTORAL, adjective. Of or relating to a doctor or doctorate; "doctoral dissertation"; "doctorial candidates".
Wise words
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be