Associations to the word «Slaughter»


SLAUGHTER, noun. (uncountable) The killing of animals, generally for food; ritual slaughter (kosher and halal).
SLAUGHTER, noun. A massacre; the killing of a large number of people.
SLAUGHTER, noun. A rout or decisive defeat.
SLAUGHTER, verb. (transitive) To butcher animals, generally for food
SLAUGHTER, verb. (transitive) To massacre people in large numbers
SLAUGHTER, verb. (transitive) To kill in a particularly brutal manner
SLAUGHTER, proper noun. A surname​.
SLAUGHTER, proper noun. A town in Louisiana.

Dictionary definition

SLAUGHTER, noun. The killing of animals (as for food).
SLAUGHTER, noun. A sound defeat.
SLAUGHTER, noun. The savage and excessive killing of many people.
SLAUGHTER, verb. Kill (animals) usually for food consumption; "They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter".
SLAUGHTER, verb. Kill a large number of people indiscriminately; "The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda".

Wise words

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
Napoleon Hill