Associations to the word «Mentally»
- Retardation
- Psychiatrist
- Deaf
- Asylum
- Homosexual
- Insanity
- Iq
- Offender
- Alcoholic
- Addict
- Psychiatry
- Homelessness
- Persons
- Dix
- Cally
- Inmate
- Schizophrenia
- Outpatient
- Aged
- Criminal
- Defendant
- Incarceration
- Confinement
- Caring
- Illness
- Disability
- Ill
- Dorothea
- Rehabilitation
- Adolescent
- Coercion
- Romani
- Stigma
- Juvenile
- Decency
- Hallucination
- Cruel
- Orphanage
- Mantra
- Patient
- Handicapped
- Unstable
- Incompetent
- Ill
- Gifted
- Psychologist
- Deficient
- Unfit
- Defective
- Impaired
- Psychiatric
- Disturbed
- Homeless
- Competent
- Insane
- Diseased
- Incapable
- Mental
- Eligible
- Cognitive
- Certified
- Humane
- Abusive
- Disadvantaged
- Scarred
- Involuntary
- Exhausted
- Addicted
- Measured
- Alert
- Elderly
- Bodily
- Healthy
- Afflicted
- Deformed
- Defendant
- Sane
- Demanding
MENTALLY, adverb. In a mental manner; an idea thought out in one's mind, as opposed to an idea spoken orally.
MENTALLY CHALLENGED, adjective. (politically correct) having a low intelligence; having some mental illness
MENTALLY ILL, adjective. Having a psychological disorder.
MENTALLY RETARDED, adjective. Having a mind which has not developed beyond that of a child
Dictionary definition
MENTALLY, adverb. In your mind; "he suffered mentally".
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.