Associations to the word «Grope»
GROPE, verb. (obsolete) To feel with or use the hands; to handle.
GROPE, verb. To search or attempt to find something in the dark, or, as a blind person, by feeling; to move about hesitatingly, as in darkness or obscurity; to feel one's way, as with the hands, when one can not see.
GROPE, verb. To touch (another person) closely and (especially) sexually.
GROPE, verb. (obsolete) To examine; to test; to sound.
GROPE, noun. (informal) An act of groping, especially sexually.
GROPE, noun. (obsolete) an iron fitting of a medieval cart wheel
Dictionary definition
GROPE, noun. The act of groping; and instance of groping.
GROPE, verb. Feel about uncertainly or blindly; "She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom".
GROPE, verb. Search blindly or uncertainly; "His mind groped to make the connection".
GROPE, verb. Fondle for sexual pleasure; "He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly".
Wise words
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