Associations to the word «Darkness»


DARKNESS, noun. (uncountable) The state of being dark; lack of light.
DARKNESS, noun. (uncountable) Gloom.
DARKNESS, noun. (countable) The product of being dark.
DARKNESS, noun. (uncountable) The state or quality of reflecting little light, of tending to a blackish or brownish color.
DARKNESS, noun. (uncountable) Evilness, lack of understanding or compassion, reference to death or suffering.

Dictionary definition

DARKNESS, noun. Absence of light or illumination.
DARKNESS, noun. An unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness".
DARKNESS, noun. Absence of moral or spiritual values; "the powers of darkness".
DARKNESS, noun. An unenlightened state; "he was in the dark concerning their intentions"; "his lectures dispelled the darkness".
DARKNESS, noun. Having a dark or somber color.
DARKNESS, noun. A swarthy complexion.

Wise words

All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.
Ernest Hemingway