Associations to the word «Wince»


WINCE, noun. A sudden movement or gesture of shrinking away.
WINCE, noun. A reel used in dyeing, steeping, or washing cloth; a winch. It is placed over the division wall between two wince pits so as to allow the cloth to descend into either compartment at will.
WINCE, verb. (intransitive) To flinch as if in pain or distress.
WINCE, verb. (transitive) To wash (cloth), dip it in dye, etc., with the use of a wince.
WINCE, verb. To kick or flounce when unsteady or impatient.

Dictionary definition

WINCE, noun. The facial expression of sudden pain.
WINCE, noun. A reflex response to sudden pain.
WINCE, verb. Draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf".
WINCE, verb. Make a face indicating disgust or dislike; "She winced when she heard his pompous speech".

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou