Associations to the word «Forehead»
- Perspiration
- Sweat
- Wrinkle
- Wiping
- Frown
- Curl
- Bead
- Handkerchief
- Cheek
- Eyebrow
- Wipe
- Scar
- Hair
- Bruise
- Furrow
- Chin
- Fingertip
- Rubbing
- Eyelid
- Crease
- Nose
- Complexion
- Kissing
- Brow
- Bandage
- Scalp
- Goggle
- Moustache
- Brushing
- Throbbing
- Forefinger
- Tuft
- Scowl
- Sweating
- Wisp
- Smear
- Lip
- Sheen
- Vein
- Nostril
- Forearm
- Touching
- Tattoo
- Rub
- Trickle
- Muzzle
- Kiss
- Skull
- Salute
- Whiteness
- Jaw
- Mustache
FOREHEAD, noun. The part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline.
Dictionary definition
FOREHEAD, noun. The part of the face above the eyes.
FOREHEAD, noun. The large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: includes the upper part of the orbits.
Wise words
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