Associations to the word «Unstable»
- Isotope
- Equilibrium
- Instability
- Perturbation
- Decay
- Intermediate
- Manifold
- Neutron
- Fission
- Landslide
- Oscillation
- Stable
- Thunderstorm
- Nucleus
- Stability
- Anion
- Vortex
- Convection
- Proton
- Molecule
- Fluctuation
- Orbit
- Weathering
- Decomposition
- Nitrate
- Compound
- Collapse
- Hydrolysis
- Fracture
- Atom
- Condensation
- Amine
- Radical
- Feedback
- Trajectory
- Oxidation
- Ammonium
- Chlorine
- Helium
- Stabilization
- Nitro
- Cellulose
- Hydrogen
- Electron
- Explosive
- Oxide
- Situation
- Uranium
- Oscillator
- Alcoholic
- Amplitude
- Precipitate
UNSTABLE, adjective. Having a strong tendency to change.
UNSTABLE, adjective. Fluctuating; not constant.
UNSTABLE, adjective. Fickle.
UNSTABLE, adjective. Unpredictable.
UNSTABLE, adjective. (chemistry) Readily decomposable.
UNSTABLE, adjective. (physics) Radioactive, especially with a short half-life.
Dictionary definition
UNSTABLE, adjective. Lacking stability or fixity or firmness; "unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy".
UNSTABLE, adjective. Highly or violently reactive; "sensitive and highly unstable compounds".
UNSTABLE, adjective. Affording no ease or reassurance; "a precarious truce".
UNSTABLE, adjective. Suffering from severe mental illness; "of unsound mind".
UNSTABLE, adjective. Disposed to psychological variability; "his rather unstable religious convictions".
UNSTABLE, adjective. Subject to change; variable; "a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty"; "everything was unstable following the coup".
Wise words
Every creature is a word of God.