Associations to the word «Hydrogen»


HYDROGEN, noun. The lightest chemical element (symbol H) with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.
HYDROGEN, noun. Molecular hydrogen (H2), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature.
HYDROGEN, noun. An atom of the element.
HYDROGEN, noun. A sample of the element.
HYDROGEN ACETATE, noun. (chemistry) acetic acid
HYDROGEN ACID, noun. (chemistry) Any acid that contains at least one atom of hydrogen.
HYDROGEN ACID, noun. An industrial name for hydrofluoric acid.
HYDROGEN AIR, noun. A mixture of hydrogen and air used as fuel to a fuel cell.
HYDROGEN AIR, noun. (obsolete) (chemistry) An early term for hydrogen; hydrogen gas.
HYDROGEN ARSENIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The compound arsine, H3As or AsH3.
HYDROGEN BOMB, noun. A thermonuclear bomb that derives its destructive power from the fusion of isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium).
HYDROGEN BOMBS, noun. Plural of hydrogen bomb
HYDROGEN BOND, noun. (chemistry) A weak bond in which a hydrogen atom in one molecule is attracted to an electronegative atom (usually nitrogen or oxygen) in the same or different molecule.
HYDROGEN BOND, verb. (chemistry) To bond to another species by means of hydrogen bonds. E.g. Water hydrogen bonds with itself.
HYDROGEN BONDED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of hydrogen bond
HYDROGEN BONDING, verb. Present participle of hydrogen bond
HYDROGEN BONDS, noun. Plural of hydrogen bond
HYDROGEN BONDS, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hydrogen bond
HYDROGEN BROMIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A colourless gas having an irritating smell; it has the molecular formula HBr, and dissolves in water to form hydrobromic acid; it has many industrial applications including the production of barbiturates and synthetic hormones.
HYDROGEN BURNING, noun. (physics) (astronomy) the nucleosynthesis process, in stars of less than 1.2 solar mass, in which hydrogen is converted to helium, deuterium and some lithium
HYDROGEN CAR, noun. Any motor car that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel.
HYDROGEN CARBONATE, noun. (inorganic compound) (uncountable) carbonic acid
HYDROGEN CARBONATE, noun. (inorganic chemistry) (countable) bicarbonate
HYDROGEN CARS, noun. Plural of hydrogen car
HYDROGEN CHLORATE, noun. (chemistry) chloric acid
HYDROGEN CHLORIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) An inorganic compound with the formula HCl. Forms hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water.
HYDROGEN CHLORITE, noun. (chemistry) chlorous acid
HYDROGEN CYANIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A colourless, very poisonous, volatile liquid, HCN, used in the production of dyes, plastics and fumigants; it dissolves in water to form hydrocyanic acid and reacts with bases to form cyanides, and with some organic compounds to form nitriles.
HYDROGEN CYCLE, noun. (biology) the transmission of hydrogen from water to carbohydrates etc and back to water by living organisms
HYDROGEN CYCLE, noun. The electrolysis or solar photolysis of water to give hydrogen and oxygen which are then recombined in a fuel cell to produce electricity
HYDROGEN DIOXIDE, noun. (chemistry) hydrogen peroxide
HYDROGEN DISULFIDE, noun. (chemistry) the sulfur analogue of hydrogen peroxide, H2S2
HYDROGEN DISULFIDE, noun. (erroneously) hydrogen sulfide
HYDROGEN DISULPHIDE, noun. (British) Alternative spelling of hydrogen disulfide
HYDROGEN ECONOMY, noun. A hypothetical future economy in which the primary form of stored energy for mobile applications and load balancing is hydrogen (H2), and, in particular, hydrogen replaces fossil fuels in automobiles.
HYDROGEN ELECTRODE, noun. (chemistry) (physics) an electrode in which hydrogen gas is adsorbed on platinum
HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT, noun. The absorption of hydrogen into a metal, and subsequent weakening, as part of a pickling process
HYDROGEN FLUORIDE, noun. (chemistry) a colourless fuming liquid or gas, having a molecular formula of HF; it dissolves in water to form hydrofluoric acid and has many industrial uses including the production of teflon and the refining of uranium; it corrodes skin, flesh and bone, and any skin contact must be avoided
HYDROGEN GAS, noun. (obsolete) (chemistry) An early term for hydrogen.
HYDROGEN GAS ELECTRODE, noun. A hydrogen electrode
HYDROGEN GAS ELECTRODES, noun. Plural of hydrogen gas electrode
HYDROGEN HALIDE, noun. (inorganic chemistry) Any binary compound of hydrogen and a halide
HYDROGEN HYDROXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The systematic alkali name for water.
HYDROGEN IODIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) a colourless gas with molecular formula HI, having a suffocating smell; it forms hydriodic acid when dissolved in water
HYDROGEN ION, noun. (chemistry) Used other than as an idiom: see hydrogen,‎ ion. ; H- or H+
HYDROGEN ION, noun. (chemistry) a proton combined with one or more water molecules; usually written H3O+ and called the hydronium ion though is best considered as H9O4+ but is often written H+(aq) for simplicity
HYDROGEN ION, noun. (chemistry) a bare hydrogen nucleus; a proton , deuteron or triton
HYDROGEN LAMP, noun. A glass apparatus in which hydrogen, generated from zinc and sulphuric acid, is burnt; used primarily as a demonstration (invented by Alessandro Volta)
HYDROGEN LINE, noun. (physics) (astronomy) a spectral line of atomic hydrogen having a wavelength of about 21cm; used extensively in radio astronomy
HYDROGEN MONOXIDE, noun. (informal) dihydrogen monoxide (water)
HYDROGEN NITRATE, noun. (chemistry) nitric acid
HYDROGEN OXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) The simple systematic name for water, H2O.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A colourless liquid, H2O2, soluble in water, used as a mild antiseptic, bleaching agent (especially for bleaching hair), oxidizing agent and chemical reagent.
HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE, noun. (inorganic chemistry) The anion HPO42- or any salt containing this anion
HYDROGEN POTASSIUM CARBONATE, noun. (chemistry) potassium hydrogen carbonate
HYDROGEN SELENIDE, noun. (chemistry) the hydride of selenium, H2Se; it is a toxic, inflammable gas, having properties similar to those of hydrogen sulfide
HYDROGEN SODIUM ARSENATE, noun. (inorganic compound) The compound sodium hydrogen arsenate.
HYDROGEN SPECTRAL SERIES, noun. (physics) several series of spectral lines of hydrogen that correspond to quantum transitions between the various allowed energy levels of the hydrogen atom
HYDROGEN SPECTRUM, noun. (physics) all the lines in the emission or absorption spectrum of hydrogen; each one corresponding to an allowed transition between quantum energy levels
HYDROGEN STATION, noun. A service station for hydrogen vehicles
HYDROGEN SULFATE, noun. (inorganic chemistry) sulfuric acid
HYDROGEN SULFATE, noun. (inorganic chemistry) The anion HSO4- or any salt containing this anion
HYDROGEN SULFIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) A toxic gas, H2S, smelling like rotten eggs and used in analytical chemistry and industry.
HYDROGEN SULFITE, noun. (chemistry) sulfurous acid
HYDROGEN SULPHATE, noun. (chemistry) sulphuric acid
HYDROGEN SULPHIDE, noun. (inorganic compound) (chiefly British) Alternative spelling of hydrogen sulfide
HYDROGEN SULPHITE, noun. (chemistry) sulphurous acid
HYDROGEN TELLURIDE, noun. (chemistry) the tellurium analogue of hydrogen sulfide, H2Te
HYDROGEN VEHICLE, noun. Any vehicle that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel, normally via the electricity produced by a fuel cell.
HYDROGEN VEHICLES, noun. Plural of hydrogen vehicle
HYDROGEN WARHEAD, noun. A small thermonuclear device in the warhead of a missile

Dictionary definition

HYDROGEN, noun. A nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas; the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe.

Wise words

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams