Associations to the word «Recapture»
- Counterattack
- Privateer
- Ottomans
- Byzantine
- Brig
- Offensive
- Ottoman
- Guadalcanal
- Chang
- Sloop
- Rebel
- Crusade
- Constantinople
- Crusader
- Capture
- Escape
- Tang
- Maratha
- Reinforcement
- Siege
- Turk
- Counter
- Guerrilla
- Mughal
- Royalist
- Loyalist
- Allies
- Militant
- Justinian
- Fugitive
- Pawn
- Frigate
- Stronghold
- Troop
- Seoul
- Insurgent
- Levant
- Syrian
- Tunis
- Prisoner
- Garrison
- Jerusalem
- Fortress
- Baghdad
- Cutter
- Force
- Retreated
- Territory
- Picket
- Army
- Burma
- Li
- Fort
- Kabul
- Slave
- Gunboat
- Prefecture
- Belgrade
- Tripoli
- Tal
- Pasha
- Dutch
- Battle
- Shah
- German
- Gestapo
- Surrender
RECAPTURE, noun. The act of capturing again.
RECAPTURE, noun. That which is captured back; a prize retaken.
RECAPTURE, verb. To capture something for a second or subsequent time, especially after a loss
Dictionary definition
RECAPTURE, noun. A legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount.
RECAPTURE, noun. The act of taking something back.
RECAPTURE, verb. Experience anew; "She could not recapture that feeling of happiness".
RECAPTURE, verb. Take up anew; "The author recaptures an old idea here".
RECAPTURE, verb. Take back by force, as after a battle; "The military forces managed to recapture the fort".
RECAPTURE, verb. Capture again; "recapture the escaped prisoner".
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.