Associations to the word «Question»
- Legality
- Authenticity
- Validity
- Legitimacy
- Answer
- Authorship
- Credibility
- Asking
- Propriety
- Viability
- Interviewer
- Motive
- Sanity
- Whereabouts
- Sincerity
- Usefulness
- Reliability
- Relevance
- Ask
- Interrogation
- Respondent
- Competence
- Fairness
- Assertion
- Morality
- Reply
- Juror
- Assumption
- Debate
- Dogma
- Ethic
- Inquiry
- Statement
- Presumption
- Enquiry
- Judgment
- Inconsistency
- Comment
- Rationality
- Reasoning
- Justification
- Doctrine
- Accuracy
- Credential
- Quiz
- Questionnaire
- Effectiveness
- Integrity
- Suspect
- Loyalty
- Patriotism
- Wisdom
- Trivia
- Honesty
- Efficacy
- Contestant
- Rationale
- Catechism
- Allegation
- Fbi
- Deni
- Commentator
Pictures for the word «Question»
QUESTION, noun. A sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative.
QUESTION, noun. A subject or topic for consideration or investigation.
QUESTION, noun. A doubt or challenge about the truth or accuracy of a matter.
QUESTION, noun. A proposal to a meeting as a topic for deliberation.
QUESTION, noun. Interrogation by torture
QUESTION, noun. (obsolete) Talk; conversation; speech.
QUESTION, verb. To ask questions of; interrogate; enquire; ask for information.
QUESTION, verb. To raise doubts about; have doubts about.
QUESTION, verb. (obsolete) To argue; to converse; to dispute.
QUESTION MARK, noun. The punctuation mark “?”, used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.
QUESTION MARK, noun. (idiomatic) doubt or uncertainty
QUESTION MARKS, noun. Plural of question mark
QUESTION PERIOD, noun. (politics) (government) In Canadian federal and provincial parliaments, a period of regularly scheduled time in the lower chamber during which members of the official opposition party and other members may direct questions to the prime minister and to cabinet ministers concerning affairs of state.
QUESTION PERIOD, noun. Alternative form of Question Period
QUESTION THE QUESTION, verb. To ask that a proposed question's presuppositions be explicitly justified, especially as a preliminary to answering it.
QUESTION TIME, proper noun. (government) (politics) a time during a sitting of parliament wherein Members of Parliament ask questions of Government Ministers (including the Prime Minister) which they are obliged to answer.
QUESTION WORD, noun. A word used for asking questions.
QUESTION WORDS, noun. Plural of question word
Dictionary definition
QUESTION, noun. An instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present".
QUESTION, noun. The subject matter at issue; "the question of disease merits serious discussion"; "under the head of minor Roman poets".
QUESTION, noun. A sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations".
QUESTION, noun. Uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something; "the dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise".
QUESTION, noun. A formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote; "he made a motion to adjourn"; "she called for the question".
QUESTION, noun. An informal reference to a marriage proposal; "he was ready to pop the question".
QUESTION, verb. Challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter".
QUESTION, verb. Pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion".
QUESTION, verb. Pose a question.
QUESTION, verb. Conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting.
QUESTION, verb. Place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight".
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.