Associations to the word «Conspirator»
- Conspiracy
- Brutus
- Gunpowder
- Assassination
- Cassius
- Myles
- Cato
- Indictment
- Cicero
- Accomplice
- Jacobite
- Informer
- Caesar
- Wilkes
- Coup
- Treason
- Overthrow
- Plot
- Slash
- Traitor
- Insurrection
- Co
- Gallows
- Assassin
- Gaius
- Hitler
- Booth
- Pretext
- Nero
- Sentencing
- Execution
- Lincoln
- Prosecutor
- Lucius
- Antony
- Moreau
- Claus
- Arrest
- Accused
- Rye
- Seizing
- Julius
- Archduke
- Trial
- Scam
- Consul
- Bombing
- Mutiny
- Treachery
- Darius
- Interrogation
- Prosecution
- Ide
- Plutarch
- Justinian
- Intrigue
- Abraham
- Fbi
- Informant
- Secrecy
- Rebellion
- Extortion
- Tyrant
- Pretence
- Confession
CONSPIRATOR, noun. One of a group that acts in harmony
CONSPIRATOR, noun. Part of a group that agree to do an unlawful or unethical act.
Dictionary definition
CONSPIRATOR, noun. A member of a conspiracy.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.