Associations to the word «Valid»


VALID, adjective. Well grounded or justifiable, pertinent.
VALID, adjective. Acceptable, proper or correct.
VALID, adjective. Related to the current topic, or presented within context, relevant.
VALID, adjective. (logic) Of a formula or system: such that it evaluates to true regardless of the input values.
VALID, adjective. (logic) Of an argument: whose conclusion is always true whenever its premises are true.

Dictionary definition

VALID, adjective. Well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; "a valid inference"; "a valid argument"; "a valid contract".
VALID, adjective. Still legally acceptable; "the license is still valid".

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou