Associations to the word «Taxon»
- Clade
- Phylogeny
- Subgenus
- Arthropod
- Certainty
- Subspecies
- Nomenclature
- Fossil
- Superfamily
- Specie
- Cretaceous
- Gastropod
- Triassic
- Taxonomy
- Assemblage
- Vertebrate
- Morphology
- Crustacean
- Subfamily
- Dinosaur
- Extinction
- Lepidoptera
- Genu
- Fragmentary
- Richness
- Synonym
- Conifer
- Grouping
- Genus
- Lineage
- Fauna
- Paleontology
- Divergence
- Pollen
- Specimen
- Mollusc
- Biodiversity
- Lazarus
- Amphibian
- Cultivar
- Invertebrate
- Epithet
- Dispersal
- Arctiidae
- Organism
- Mammal
- Vertebra
- Arboretum
- Tortricidae
- Species
- Ancestor
- Revision
- Relationship
- Diversity
- Mite
- Hybrid
- Homo
- Flora
- Checklist
- Reptile
- Classification
- Alga
- Spp
- Octopus
TAXON, noun. (taxonomy) Any of the taxonomic categories, such as phylum or subspecies.
Dictionary definition
TAXON, noun. Animal or plant group having natural relations.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.