Associations to the word «Synonym»
- Conus
- Dall
- Reeve
- Cas
- Keyword
- Linnaeus
- Pharmaceutical
- Abstract
- Registry
- Montagu
- Neurology
- Turbo
- Octopus
- Alder
- Definition
- Subgenus
- Doris
- Gould
- Hind
- Cate
- Taxon
- Neuroscience
- Noctuidae
- Chemical
- Blanc
- Pharmacology
- Fischer
- Insecticide
- Opioid
- Hutton
- Characteristic
- Adams
- Grape
- Trivia
- Subspecies
- Schumacher
- Hancock
- Helix
- Leach
- Pathology
- Syndrome
- Physiology
- Pho
- Genus
- Fabricius
- Petit
- Genetics
- Med
- Nomenclature
- Genu
- Lorenz
- Mechanical
- Var
- Barb
- Deficiency
- Genetic
- Connotation
- Magus
- Pennant
- Uni
- Checklist
- Barnard
- Carcinoma
- Cl
- Dysfunction
- Usa
- Subfamily
- Orchid
- Iris
- Gray
- Pisum
- Watson
SYNONYM, noun. (semantics) (sensu stricto) (with respect to a given word) A word whose meaning is the same as that of another word.
SYNONYM, noun. (semantics) (sensu lato) (with respect to a given word or phrase) A word or phrase with a meaning that is the same as, or very similar to, another word or phrase.
SYNONYM, noun. (zoology) (with respect to a name for a given taxon) Any of the formal names for the taxon, including the valid name (i.e. the senior synonym).
SYNONYM, noun. (botany) (with respect to a name for a given taxon) Any name for the taxon, usually a validly published, formally accepted one, but often also an unpublished name.
SYNONYM, noun. (databases) An alternative (often shorter) name defined for an object in a database.
SYNONYM RING, noun. (metadata) A group of data elements that are considered semantically equivalent for the purposes of information retrieval.
Dictionary definition
SYNONYM, noun. Two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context.
Wise words
Where words fail, music speaks.