Associations to the word «Registry»
- Abstract
- Cas
- Pharmaceutical
- Metadata
- Registrar
- Cultivar
- Ethyl
- Kennel
- Preservation
- Offender
- Formula
- Synonym
- Registration
- Territorial
- Manufacturer
- Breed
- Chemical
- Ester
- Chloride
- Insecticide
- Repository
- Common
- Transplant
- Marrow
- Bis
- Hydroxide
- Unicode
- Lilly
- Pronunciation
- Hm
- Identifier
- Breeder
- Xp
- Sodium
- Donor
- Bayer
- Domain
- Roche
- Ml
- Cl
- Transplantation
- Manufacturing
- Acetate
- Amine
- Congress
- Sulfate
- Folder
- Notary
- Gov
- Names
- Ethanol
- Methanol
- Cleaner
- Firearm
- Substance
- Nitro
- Conformation
- Hydrocarbon
- Startup
- Nippon
- Certificate
- Epidemiology
- Parentage
- Deed
- Winthrop
- Ether
- Library
- Terrier
- Material
REGISTRY, noun. A building in which things are registered or where registers are kept.
REGISTRY, noun. A record; an account; a register.
REGISTRY, noun. The act of registering; registration.
REGISTRY, noun. (computing) A database of configurations etc. maintained by the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Dictionary definition
REGISTRY, noun. An official written record of names or events or transactions.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.