Associations to the word «Retrieve»


RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To regain or get back something.
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To rescue (a) creature(s)
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To salvage something
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To remedy or rectify something.
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To remember or recall something.
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To fetch or carry back something.
RETRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To fetch and bring in game.
RETRIEVE, verb. (intransitive) To fetch and bring in game systematically.
RETRIEVE, verb. (intransitive) To fetch or carry back systematically, notably as a game.
RETRIEVE, verb. (sports) (transitive) To make a difficult but successful return of the ball.
RETRIEVE, verb. (obsolete) To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair (a loss or damage).
RETRIEVE, noun. A retrieval
RETRIEVE, noun. (sports) The return of a difficult ball
RETRIEVE, noun. (obsolete) A seeking again; a discovery.
RETRIEVE, noun. (obsolete) The recovery of game once sprung.

Dictionary definition

RETRIEVE, verb. Get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly".
RETRIEVE, verb. Go for and bring back; "retrieve the car from the parking garage".
RETRIEVE, verb. Run after, pick up, and bring to the master; "train the dog to retrieve".
RETRIEVE, verb. Recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories".

Wise words

Actions speak louder than words.
Ancient Proverb