Associations to the word «Scientifically»
- Proven
- Rigorous
- Plausible
- Valid
- Credible
- Accurate
- Documented
- Inaccurate
- Acceptable
- Methodological
- Minded
- Inexplicable
- Tested
- Scientific
- Paranormal
- Empirical
- Questionable
- Meaningful
- Observable
- Incompatible
- Incorrect
- Oriented
- Flawed
- Vertebrate
- Understandable
- Objective
- Feasible
- Transcendental
- Skeptical
- Reliable
- Persuasive
- Fruitful
- Causal
- Factual
- Dubious
- Respectable
- Evolutionary
- Improbable
- Forensic
- Convincing
- Botanical
- Correct
- Healing
- Sound
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. Using science or methods of science.
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. Using the scientific method.
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. Methodically.
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. With regard to science.
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. From a scientific perspective.
Dictionary definition
SCIENTIFICALLY, adverb. With respect to science; in a scientific way; "this is scientifically interesting".
Wise words
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That
word is love.