Associations to the word «Convincing»
- Clear
- Ebert
- Argument
- Evidence
- Reviewer
- Critic
- Performance
- Manner
- Kaufman
- Difficulty
- Proof
- Portrayal
- Cl
- Sincerity
- Jew
- Illusion
- Explanation
- Eloquence
- Demonstration
- Juror
- Testimony
- Lot
- Victory
- Placebo
- Melodrama
- Efficacy
- Earnestness
- Liar
- Hearer
- Persuasion
- Characterization
- Tipperary
- Innocence
- Accent
- Disguise
- Brilliant
- Rationale
- Realism
- Shortcoming
- Depiction
- Presumption
- Hypothesis
- Deception
- Intrigue
- Jury
- Pretense
- Hoax
- Mcgrath
- Pitchfork
- Win
- Propaganda
- Margin
- Guilt
- Autism
- Effectiveness
- Dogma
CONVINCING, adjective. Effective as proof or evidence.
CONVINCING, verb. Present participle of convince
Dictionary definition
CONVINCING, adjective. Causing one to believe the truth of something; "a convincing story"; "a convincing manner".
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.