Associations to the word «Instrumental»


INSTRUMENTAL, adjective. Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; essential or central.
INSTRUMENTAL, adjective. (music) Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, especially a musical instrument.
INSTRUMENTAL, adjective. (grammar) Applied to a case expressing means or agency, generally indicated in English by by or with with the objective.
INSTRUMENTAL, noun. (uncountable) (grammar) The instrumental case.
INSTRUMENTAL, noun. (countable) (music) A composition without lyrics.
INSTRUMENTAL CASE, noun. (grammar) A noun case used to express means or agency—and is generally indicated in English by by or with with the objective. Languages that use the instrumental case include Armenian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Dyirbal, Georgian, Slovene, Polish, Quechua, Russian and Sanskrit.
INSTRUMENTAL CASES, noun. Plural of instrumental case
INSTRUMENTAL RATIONALITY, noun. (critical theory) A specific form of rationality focusing on the most efficient or cost-effective means to achieve a specific end, but not in itself reflecting on the value of that end.
INSTRUMENTAL VERSION, noun. A remixed song which lacks the vocal tracks.
INSTRUMENTAL WIDTH, noun. (optics) The width of a fringe formed in monochromatic light.

Dictionary definition

INSTRUMENTAL, adjective. Relating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments; "instrumental compositions"; "an instrumental ensemble".
INSTRUMENTAL, adjective. Serving or acting as a means or aid; "instrumental in solving the crime".

Wise words

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
Napoleon Hill