Associations to the word «Genuine»
- Forgery
- Pathos
- Antique
- Authenticity
- Affection
- Piety
- Admiration
- Imitation
- Fondness
- Sincerity
- Sympathy
- Remorse
- Enthusiasm
- Humility
- Warmth
- Repentance
- Originality
- Epistle
- Hoax
- Humour
- Appreciation
- Empathy
- Regret
- Earnestness
- Handwriting
- Emotion
- Compassion
- Feeling
- Patriotism
- Modesty
- Simplicity
- Humor
- Mirth
- Astonishment
- Sentiment
- Eloquence
- Concern
- Pseudo
- Smile
- Enough
- Enjoyment
- Kindness
- Gratitude
- Benevolence
- Liking
- Amusement
- Leather
- Applause
- Real
- Rarity
- Ignatius
- Honesty
- Distress
- Banknote
- Signature
- Grievance
- Surprise
- Utterance
- Possessor
- Sadness
- Vocation
- Fraud
- Contender
- Grief
- Openness
- Pleasure
- Authentication
- Outburst
- Intimacy
- Manifestation
- Passion
GENUINE, adjective. Belonging to, or proceeding from the original stock; native; hence, not counterfeit, spurious, false, or adulterated; authentic; real; natural; true; pure.
GENUINE FAKE, noun. An imitation of a (usually) valuable object that is so good that it is, to all intents and purposes, identical.
GENUINE FAKES, noun. Plural of genuine fake
GENUINE ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT, noun. (legal) A dispute over a material fact upon which the outcome of a legal case may rely, and which therefore must be decided by a judge or jury; a dispute which precludes summary judgment.
GENUINE ISSUES OF MATERIAL FACT, noun. Plural of genuine issue of material fact
Dictionary definition
GENUINE, adjective. Not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather".
GENUINE, adjective. Not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed; "genuine emotion"; "her interest in people was unfeigned"; "true grief".
GENUINE, adjective. Being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma".
Wise words
Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you
want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's
gone, gone forever.