Associations to the word «Jew»
- Semitism
- Judaism
- Harp
- Eternal
- Jews
- Jewish
- Marlowe
- Torah
- Auschwitz
- Talmud
- Philo
- Nazis
- Rabbinic
- Yiddish
- Ghetto
- Holocaust
- Polish
- Synagogue
- Rabbi
- Messiah
- Hebrew
- Cochin
- Jude
- Orthodox
- Israeli
- Christian
- Malta
- Sabbath
- Atheist
- Commandment
- Judah
- Lithuanian
- Palestine
- Gestapo
- Inquisition
- Nazi
- Moshe
- Nuremberg
- Observance
- Isaac
- Chaim
- Zion
- Extermination
- Lender
- Moses
- Wandering
- Abraham
- Grandparent
- Hitler
- Stereotype
- Templar
- Certain
- Deportation
- Heretic
- Israel
- Religious
- Jerusalem
- Diaspora
- Palestinian
- Jesus
- Syrian
- Herod
- Crucifixion
- Persecution
- Hungarian
- Ethnic
- Israelites
- Magus
- Pagan
- Muslim
- Apostle
- Hirsch
- Hatred
- Christianity
- Convert
- Dutchman
- Ger
- Nazareth
- Holy
JEW, noun. An adherent of Judaism.
JEW, noun. A person who claims a cultural or ancestral connection to the Jewish people (see secular Jew).
JEW, verb. (offensive) Alternative letter-case form of jew
JEW, verb. (offensive) To bargain, to attempt to gain an unfair price in a business deal; to defraud.
JEW BY CHOICE, noun. A person who has converted to Judaism.
JEW DOWN, verb. (US) (offensive) Alternative spelling of jew down
JEW DOWN, verb. (offensive) To bargain or haggle with a seller in order to obtain a lower price for a good or service.
JEW HARP, noun. Alternative spelling of Jew's harp
JEW HARPS, noun. Plural of jew harp
JEW YORK, proper noun. (vulgar) (slang) a nickname for New York, referring to its Jewish population
JEW YORKER, noun. (slang) New Yorker
JEW YORKERS, noun. Plural of Jew Yorker
Dictionary definition
JEW, noun. A person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.