Associations to the word «Equivalence»


EQUIVALENCE, noun. (uncountable) The condition of being equivalent or essentially equal.
EQUIVALENCE, noun. (countable) (mathematics) An equivalence relation; ≡; ~
EQUIVALENCE, noun. (uncountable) (logic) The relationship between two propositions that are either both true or both false.
EQUIVALENCE, noun. (chemistry) The quantity of the combining power of an atom, expressed in hydrogen units; the number of hydrogen atoms can combine with, or be exchanged for; valency.
EQUIVALENCE, noun. A Boolean operation that is TRUE when both input variables are TRUE but otherwise FALSE; the XNOR function.
EQUIVALENCE, noun. (geometry) A number in intersection theory. A positive-dimensional variety sometimes behaves formally as if it were a finite number of points; this number is its equivalence.
EQUIVALENCE, verb. (transitive) To be equivalent or equal to; to counterbalance.
EQUIVALENCE CLASS, noun. (set theory) Any one of the subsets into which an equivalence relation partitions a set, each of these subsets containing all the elements of the set that are equivalent under the equivalence relation.
EQUIVALENCE CLASSES, noun. Plural of equivalence class
EQUIVALENCE GATE, noun. (electronics) a logic gate performing a Boolean logic equivalence operation; an XNOR gate.
EQUIVALENCE PRINCIPLE, noun. (physics) any of several principles, in relativity, concerned with the uniformity of physical measurements in different frames of reference
EQUIVALENCE RELATION, noun. (set theory) A binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS, noun. Plural of equivalence relation

Dictionary definition

EQUIVALENCE, noun. A state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best".
EQUIVALENCE, noun. Essential equality and interchangeability.
EQUIVALENCE, noun. Qualities that are comparable; "no comparison between the two books"; "beyond compare".

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal