Associations to the word «Measurable»
- Snowfall
- Subset
- Precipitation
- Integral
- Algebra
- Rn
- Axiom
- Theorem
- Quantity
- Hilbert
- Average
- Objective
- Probability
- Outcome
- Variable
- Indicator
- Fn
- Measure
- Convergence
- Specific
- Equivalence
- Function
- Benchmark
- Space
- Neumann
- Real
- Filtration
- Parameter
- Voltage
- Topology
- Sigma
- Rainfall
- Measurement
- Reasoning
- Cardinal
- Leakage
- Criterion
- Correlate
- Positive
- Fraction
- Isotope
- Multiplication
- Impact
- Improvement
- Deformation
- Interval
- Kepler
- Variability
- Constant
- Particle
- Amplitude
- Observable
- Topological
- Finite
- Valued
- Bounded
- Null
- Predictable
- Euclidean
- Additive
- Stochastic
- Tangible
- Inaccessible
- Quantitative
- Physiological
- Qualitative
- Gravitational
- Objective
- Meaningful
- Identifiable
- Negligible
- Random
- Discrete
- Maximal
- Variable
- Behavioral
- Continuous
- Unfavorable
- Quantum
- Metric
- Symmetric
- Measured
- Conclusive
- Compact
- Empirical
- Analytic
- Arbitrary
- Realistic
- Invariant
- Sustainable
MEASURABLE, adjective. Able to be measured.
MEASURABLE, adjective. Of significant importance.
MEASURABLE, noun. That which can be measured; a metric.
MEASURABLE FUNCTION, noun. (analysis) If a function's codomain is a topological space and the function's domain is a measurable space, then the function is measurable if the inverse image of every open set in its codomain is a measurable set in its domain.
MEASURABLE FUNCTION, noun. (mathematics) Any well-behaved function of real numbers between measurable spaces.
MEASURABLE FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of measurable function
MEASURABLE SET, noun. (analysis) A subset of a given measurable space which is a member of the σ-algebra of that space.
MEASURABLE SETS, noun. Plural of measurable set
MEASURABLE SPACE, noun. (mathematics) A set with a σ-algebra defined on it.
MEASURABLE SPACES, noun. Plural of measurable space
Dictionary definition
MEASURABLE, adjective. Capable of being measured; "measurable depths".
MEASURABLE, adjective. Of distinguished importance; "a measurable figure in literature".
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.