Associations to the word «Positive»
- Negative
- Hiv
- Gram
- Feedback
- Integer
- Bacterium
- Review
- Doping
- Praising
- Correlation
- Cathode
- Tomato
- Negation
- Rna
- Curvature
- Connotation
- Valence
- Matrice
- Specificity
- Reinforcement
- Reviewer
- Electrode
- Ventilation
- Estrogen
- Antibody
- Dipole
- Aids
- Matrix
- Ionization
- Zero
- Voltage
- Assay
- Ion
- Antigen
- Electrolyte
- Outcome
- Replication
- Schizophrenia
- Coping
- Tb
- Displacement
- Outlook
- Fresh
- Virus
- Reception
- Stain
- Electron
- Hilbert
- Portrayal
- Screening
- Syphilis
- Stereotype
- Sensitivity
- Manifold
- Integral
- Antibiotic
- Biopsy
- Comte
- Attitude
- Exponent
- Lymphoma
- Urine
- Decomposition
- Testing
- Stimulus
- Coefficient
POSITIVE, adjective. (legal) Formally laid down. [from the 14th c.]
POSITIVE, adjective. Stated definitively and without qualification. [from the 16th c.]
POSITIVE, adjective. Fully assured in opinion. [from the 17th c.]
POSITIVE, adjective. (mathematics) Of number, greater than zero. [from the 18th c.]
POSITIVE, adjective. Characterized by constructiveness or influence for the better.
POSITIVE, adjective. Overconfident, dogmatic.
POSITIVE, adjective. (chiefly philosophy) Actual, real, concrete, not theoretical or speculative.
POSITIVE, adjective. (physics) Having more protons than electrons.
POSITIVE, adjective. (grammar) Describing the primary sense of an adjective, adverb or noun; not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive.
POSITIVE, adjective. Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute.
POSITIVE, adjective. Characterized by the existence or presence of distinguishing qualities or features, rather than by their absence.
POSITIVE, adjective. Characterized by the presence of features which support a hypothesis.
POSITIVE, adjective. (photography) Of a visual image, true to the original in light, shade and colour values.
POSITIVE, adjective. Favorable, desirable by those interested or invested in that which is being judged.
POSITIVE, adjective. Wholly what is expressed; colloquially downright, entire, outright.
POSITIVE, adjective. Optimistic. [from the 20th c.]
POSITIVE, adjective. (chemistry) electropositive
POSITIVE, adjective. (chemistry) basic; metallic; not acid; opposed to negative, and said of metals, bases, and basic radicals.
POSITIVE, adjective. (slang) HIV positive.
POSITIVE, adjective. (New Age jargon) Good, desirable, healthful, pleasant, enjoyable; (often precedes 'energy', 'thought', 'feeling' or 'emotion').
POSITIVE, noun. A thing capable of being affirmed; something real or actual.
POSITIVE, noun. A favourable point or characteristic.
POSITIVE, noun. Something having a positive value in physics, such as an electric charge.
POSITIVE, noun. (grammar) A degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
POSITIVE, noun. (grammar) An adjective or adverb in the positive degree.
POSITIVE, noun. (photography) A positive image; one that displays true colors and shades, as opposed to a negative.
POSITIVE, noun. The positive plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell.
POSITIVE, noun. A positive result of a test.
POSITIVE ASSORTATIVE MATING, noun. Alternative term for assortative mating
POSITIVE COLUMN, noun. A glowing region in a glow discharge between the Faraday dark space and the anode glow.
POSITIVE COLUMNS, noun. Plural of positive column
POSITIVE CRYSTAL, noun. (optics) a doubly refracting crystal in which the index of refraction for the extraordinary ray is greater than for the ordinary ray, and the former is refracted nearer to the axis than the latter, such as as quartz and ice; as opposed to negative crystal: one in which this characteristic is reversed, such as Iceland spar or tourmaline.
POSITIVE DEGREE, noun. (grammar) That state of an adjective or adverb indicating simple quality, without comparison or relation to increase or diminution; as in wise, noble.
POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP, noun. A pump which operates by periodically changing the volume of a cavity
POSITIVE DRAINAGE, noun. (construction) the drainage condition in which consideration has been made during design for all loading deflections of the deck and additional roof slope has been provided to ensure drainage within 48 hours following rainfall during conditions conducive to drying.
POSITIVE ECONOMICS, noun. (economics) The branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena and their causal relationships
POSITIVE EDGE, noun. (electronics) The point in time when a signal's value becomes high.
POSITIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED, adjective. Alternative form of positive-edge-triggered
POSITIVE EDGES, noun. Plural of positive edge
POSITIVE EUGENICS, noun. (biology) The applied science of selecting positive or desirable traits in a species.
POSITIVE EUGENICS, noun. (philosophy) A social philosophy which advocates for human enhancement by selecting for positive or desirable traits in a species.
POSITIVE FEEDBACK, noun. (physics) a feedback loop in which the output of a system is amplified with a net positive gain and added to the input signal before the main amplifier
POSITIVE LAW, noun. (legal) Law explicitly made, as compared to natural law, prescribed by express enactment or institution.
POSITIVE LAWS, noun. Plural of positive law
POSITIVE LINEAR FUNCTIONAL, noun. (analysis) A kind of linear functional which "returns" a non-negative scalar when "fed" a non-negative function as "parameter."
POSITIVE LOGIC, noun. (electrical engineering) The use of the higher voltage level to represent the Boolean value 1 and the lower voltage level to represent the Boolean value 0.
POSITIVE MEASURE, noun. (analysis) A function whose domain is a σ-algebra, whose codomain is [0,∞], and which is countably additive.
POSITIVE PUNK, noun. (dated) Gothic rock.
POSITIVE RECURRENCE, noun. (mathematics) (stochastic processes) the quality of being positive recurrent.
POSITIVE RECURRENT, adjective. (mathematics) (stochastic processes) (of a state) recurrent with finite expected return time.
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT, noun. The giving of encouragement to a person who exhibits a particular behaviour with the result that such behaviour is repeated.
POSITIVE SENSE, adjective. (biology) referring to an RNA strand that can serve directly as messenger RNA and be transcribed into DNA.
POSITIVE SIDE WATERPROOFING, noun. (construction) An application where the waterproofing systems and source of hydrostatic pressure are on the same side of the structural element.
POSITIVE SIDE WATERPROOFINGS, noun. Plural of positive side waterproofing
POSITIVE THINKING, noun. Focusing on thoughts of success, as a strategy for achievement.
POSITIVE TRANSFER, noun. (linguistics) The successful use by a language learner of a construct from his/her source language in the target language, such that the resulting utterance in the target language is correct.
POSITIVE TRANSITION, noun. (advertising) one of four archetypal dramatic structures of commercials characterized by an emotionally neutral beginning with an enormous leap in positive emotions generated by seeing the branded product in use.
POSITIVE TRANSITION, noun. (advertising) a narrative structure used in commercials known as “supporting actor-type” advertising.
POSITIVE ZERO, noun. (computing) A signed magnitude representation of zero in which the sign bit indicates a positive number.
Dictionary definition
POSITIVE, noun. The primary form of an adjective or adverb; denotes a quality without qualification, comparison, or relation to increase or diminution.
POSITIVE, noun. A film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject.
POSITIVE, adjective. Characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc.; "a positive attitude"; "the reviews were all positive"; "a positive benefit"; "a positive demand".
POSITIVE, adjective. Persuaded of; very sure; "were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join"; "I am positive he is lying"; "was confident he would win".
POSITIVE, adjective. Involving advantage or good; "a plus (or positive) factor".
POSITIVE, adjective. Indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen; "a positive pregnancy test".
POSITIVE, adjective. Formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws".
POSITIVE, adjective. Impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument".
POSITIVE, adjective. Of or relating to positivism; "positivist thinkers"; "positivist doctrine"; "positive philosophy".
POSITIVE, adjective. Reckoned, situated or tending in the direction which naturally or arbitrarily is taken to indicate increase or progress or onward motion; "positive increase in graduating students".
POSITIVE, adjective. Greater than zero; "positive numbers".
POSITIVE, adjective. Having a positive charge; "protons are positive".
POSITIVE, adjective. Marked by excessive confidence; "an arrogant and cocksure materialist"; "so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen"; "the less he knows the more positive he gets".
Wise words
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.