Associations to the word «Replication»


REPLICATION, noun. Process by which an object, person, place or idea may be copied mimicked or reproduced.
REPLICATION, noun. Copy; reproduction.
REPLICATION, noun. (legal) A response from the plaintiff to the defendant's plea.
REPLICATION, noun. (biology) The process of producing replicas of DNA or RNA molecules.
REPLICATION, noun. (computing) The process of frequent electronic data copying a one database in one computer or server to a database in another so that all users share the same level of information. Used to improve fault tolerance of the system.
REPLICATION FORK, noun. The Y-shaped region of a chromosome that is the site of DNA replication

Dictionary definition

REPLICATION, noun. The act of making copies; "Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient".
REPLICATION, noun. (genetics) the process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division.
REPLICATION, noun. A quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one); "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher".
REPLICATION, noun. (law) a pleading made by a plaintiff in reply to the defendant's plea or answer.
REPLICATION, noun. The repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves; "she could hear echoes of her own footsteps".
REPLICATION, noun. Copy that is not the original; something that has been copied.
REPLICATION, noun. The repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion; "scientists will not believe an experimental result until they have seen at least one replication".

Wise words

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
Noam Chomsky