Associations to the word «False»
- Falsehood
- Hallucination
- Negation
- True
- Delusion
- Adultery
- Blasphemy
- Statement
- Proposition
- Allegation
- Premise
- Testimony
- Perception
- Assumption
- Truth
- Conclusion
- Belief
- Witness
- Memory
- Pretense
- Claim
- Sentence
- Pretence
- Positive
- Doctrine
- Error
- Accusation
- Alarm
- Modesty
- Sig
- Defamation
- Libel
- Negative
- Rumour
- Prophet
- Fallacy
- Imprisonment
- Rumor
- Deceit
- Fraud
- Witchcraft
- Filing
- Forgery
- Assertion
- Lull
- Passport
- Felony
- Predicate
- Confession
- Messiah
- Deception
- Wig
- Tort
- Mollusk
- Hypocrisy
- Supposition
- Shuffle
- Id
- Impression
- Pretext
- Traitor
- Flattery
- Syntax
- Swearing
- Pretender
- Conceit
- Analogy
- Liar
FALSE, adjective. Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect.
FALSE, adjective. Based on factually incorrect premises.
FALSE, adjective. Spurious, artificial.
FALSE, adjective. (logic) Of a state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result.
FALSE, adjective. Uttering falsehood; dishonest or deceitful.
FALSE, adjective. Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous.
FALSE, adjective. Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous.
FALSE, adjective. Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
FALSE, adjective. (music) Out of tune.
FALSE, adverb. Not truly; not honestly; falsely.
FALSE, noun. One of two options on a true-or-false test.
FALSE, adjective. (electronics) one of two states of a Boolean variable; logic 0.
FALSE ACACIA, noun. A deciduous tree, Robinia pseudoacacia, native to the United States; the black locust
FALSE ACTION, noun. (fencing) false attack.
FALSE ALARM, noun. (literal) A warning sound (such as the call of sentry, the ringing of a bell, or the shriek of a siren) which turns out to have been erroneous.
FALSE ALARM, noun. (idiomatic) (by extension) A thing or occurrence which initially causes fear, distress, etc. but which is subsequently recognized as being no cause for concern.
FALSE ALARM, noun. (archaic) (idiomatic) A person who pretends to be more accomplished or a thing that seems to be of higher quality than is later found to be the case.
FALSE ALARMS, noun. Plural of false alarm
FALSE ALDER, noun. American winterberry, Ilex verticillata.
FALSE ANALOGY, noun. (logic) An informal fallacy applying to inductive arguments, in which the similarity in one respect of two concepts, objects, or events is taken as sufficient to establish that they are similar in another respect in which they actually are dissimilar.
FALSE ATTACK, noun. (fencing) An attack that is intended to miss or fall short, so as to produce a reaction from the opponent. Also called a false action.
FALSE BANANA, noun. Ensete ventricosum, a plant in the banana family.
FALSE BLUE INDIGO, noun. Baptisia australis, native to central and eastern North America.
FALSE CHANTERELLE, noun. A non-poisonous, but dull-tasting mushroom that resembles chanterelle; Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca.
FALSE CHANTERELLES, noun. Plural of false chanterelle
FALSE COGNATE, noun. A word which is similar in meaning to another word, and which appears to also be cognate (etymologically related) to it, but which is in fact unrelated.
FALSE COGNATE, noun. A word that appears similar in form to another word, but is both unrelated in its meaning and of unrelated origin.
FALSE COGNATE, noun. (proscribed) A false friend, a word that appears to have the same meaning as a given word, but that does not (without regard to whether or not the two terms are cognate).
FALSE COGNATES, noun. Plural of false cognate
FALSE COLOUR, noun. Used attributively to describe an image having colours that are different from reality, especially one in which the colours used have a physical signficance (e.g. representing temperature etc.)
FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS, noun. (Marxism) (social science) A faulty understanding of the true character of social processes, due to ideology
FALSE CONSCIOUSNESSES, noun. Plural of false consciousness
FALSE CROUP, noun. A spasmodic affection of the larynx attended with the symptoms of membranous croup, but unassociated with the deposit of a fibrinous membrane.
FALSE DAWN, noun. A thin ambient light which precedes true dawn, typically by around an hour, in certain parts of the world.
FALSE DAWN, noun. Something engendering premature hope; a promising sign which in fact leads to nothing.
FALSE DICHOTOMY, noun. A situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available.
FALSE DILEMMA, noun. A situation in which alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available.
FALSE DROP, noun. A non-targeted card that falls out from a card data deck, when a rod search is performed
FALSE DROP, noun. Targets, hits, that are not relevant in an information retrieval search
FALSE DROP, noun. Retrieved, but unwanted, document representations
FALSE DROP, noun. Noise (def. #3) in an information retrieval search
FALSE EASTING, noun. (cartography) A value relating to distance east of a standard meridian but with a constant added to make the numbers convenient. For instance, in UTM the value 500,000 is added to the easting from the center of each zone to return a false easting that is never negative (the smallest true easting is approximately -340,000 which set to false easting of 160,000).
FALSE ECONOMY, noun. An attempt to economize that fails because the less expensive approach is somehow inferior.
FALSE FACE, noun. (obsolete) A mask.
FALSE FIRE, noun. (historical) A combustible carried by vessels of war, chiefly for signalling, but sometimes burned for the purpose of deceiving an enemy.
FALSE FIRE, noun. (historical) A light on shore for decoying a vessel to destruction.
FALSE FLAG, noun. (nautical) A ruse, in the days of sail, in which an attacking ship would fly the colours of its enemy until close enough to open fire.
FALSE FLAG, noun. (espionage) (military) A diversionary or propaganda tactic of deceiving an adversary into thinking that an operation was carried out by another party.
FALSE FLAGGED, adjective. Involving a false flagger
FALSE FLAGGER, noun. A person or group that engages in a false flag operation
FALSE FLAGGERS, noun. Plural of false flagger
FALSE FLAGGING, noun. The behavior of a false flagger
FALSE FLAGS, noun. Plural of false flag
FALSE FLAT, noun. (cycling) A low-gradient climb, usually occurring partway up a steeper climb.
FALSE FLAX, noun. Any of the several flowering plants of the genus Camelina, especially Camelina sativa, which is cultivated for oil.
FALSE FRIEND, noun. (linguistics) (idiomatic) A word in a language that bears a deceptive resemblance to a word in another language but in fact has a different meaning. The words in question may well be etymologically related, but in such cases semantic shifts have made them drift apart.
FALSE FRIENDS, noun. Plural of false friend
FALSE FRUIT, noun. (botany) A plant structure that resembles a fruit but is not derived from a flower or flowers
FALSE GALENA, noun. Blende
FALSE HARMONIC, noun. (music) (stringed instruments) a harmonic produced by lightly touching the string at the point where the notated pitch is played, but produces a different pitch
FALSE HARMONICS, noun. Plural of false harmonic
FALSE HERMAPHRODITE, noun. Pseudohermaphrodite.
FALSE HOLLY, noun. Osmanthus heterophyllus, a flowering shrub or tree of the olive family native to East Asia
FALSE KEEL, noun. (nautical) The timber below the main keel, used to serve both as a protection and to increase the ship's lateral resistance.
FALSE KEY, noun. A picklock.
FALSE KILLER WHALE, noun. A dolphin of species Pseudorca crassidens, the sole species of genus Pseudorca and one of the larger dolphin species.
FALSE KILLER WHALES, noun. Plural of false killer whale
FALSE LIGHT, noun. (idiomatic) A point of view resulting in a misleading or inaccurate representation of a person, situation, or fact.
FALSE LIGHT, noun. (legal) A cause of action arising under the common law where a person is portrayed in a way which, while not technically false, is misleading and likely to cause embarrassment to that person.
FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY, noun. Any of several species of Maianthemum:
FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY, noun. Maianthemum bifolium, the May lily, native from western Europe east to Siberia, China, and Japan
FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY, noun. Maianthemum canadense, the Canadian May-lily, Canada Mayflower, Canadian Lily-of-the-valley, wild Lily-of-the-valley, two-leaved Solomonseal, native to the sub-boreal conifer forests in Canada and the northern United States
FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY, noun. Maianthemum dilatatum, the snakeberry and two-leaved Solomon's seal, native to western North America and Asia across the Kamchatka Peninsula, Japan, and Korea
FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY, noun. Maianthemum racemosum, the feathery false lily of the valley, treacleberry, false Solomon's seal, Solomon's plume, false spikenard
FALSE LOOSE SMUT, noun. A fungal disease of barley caused by Ustilago nigra.
FALSE MASTIC, noun. Sideroxylon foetidissimum, a flowering plant in the chicle family, native to Florida, the Caribbean, and northern Central America.
FALSE MEASLES, noun. (archaic) German measles.
FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME, noun. A condition in which a person's identity and relationships are affected by memories which are factually incorrect but strongly believed.
FALSE MODESTY, noun. Behavior that is intended to seem humble but comes across as fake and unflattering.
FALSE MOREL, noun. Any of several Ascomycota mushrooms in the genus Gyromitra which bear a resemblance to the highly regarded true morels of the genus Morchella.
FALSE NEGATIVE, noun. A result of a test that shows as absent something that is present.
FALSE NEGATIVE, noun. (statistics) type II error
FALSE NEGATIVES, noun. Plural of false negative
FALSE NORTHING, noun. (Cartography) A value relating to distance north of a standard latitude but with a constant added to make the numbers convenient. For instance, in UTM, the Southern Hemisphere is assigned negative degrees of latitude, but to avoid negative numbers in northings, a constant value of 10,000,000 is added so that negative numbers for northings do not occur.
FALSE NOTE, noun. (music) An incorrect note which is sung or played in a musical performance.
FALSE NOTE, noun. (idiomatic) (by extension) In a remark or narrative, an indication (as discerned by the listener or reader) of untruth, insincerity, or inconsistency.
FALSE NOTE, noun. (idiomatic) (by extension) In a non-verbal display or presentation, an indication of incongruity or inappropriateness.
FALSE NOTES, noun. Plural of false note
FALSE PIMPERNEL, noun. Alternative name for chaffweed.
FALSE PIMPERNEL, noun. A type of figwort, Lindernia dubia, found in wet or muddy places.
FALSE POSITIVE, noun. A result of a test that shows as present something that is absent.
FALSE POSITIVE, noun. (statistics) type I error
FALSE POSITIVES, noun. Plural of false positive
FALSE POTATO BEETLE, noun. Leptinotarsa juncta, a beetle found primarily in the Mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions of the United States.
FALSE POTATO BEETLES, noun. Plural of false potato beetle
FALSE PRETENSE, noun. Representation of untrue facts
FALSE PRETENSES, noun. Plural of false pretense
FALSE PRIMARIES, noun. Plural of false primary
FALSE PRIMARY, noun. (ornithology) (rare) Any flight feather that appears between the primaries and secondaries on a bird's wing.
FALSE PUNISHMENT, noun. The act of penalizing someone for something that he or she did not commit. Unauthorized disciplinary action.
FALSE QUARTER, noun. A cleft in the quarter of a horse's foot.
FALSE RAIL, noun. (nautical) A thin piece of timber placed on top of the headrail to strengthen it.
FALSE RELATION, noun. (music) A type of dissonance that sometimes occurs in classical polyphonic music, most commonly in vocal music of the Renaissance. It may be a chromatic contradiction between two notes sounding simultaneously (or in close proximity), in two different voices or parts; or the occurrence of a tritone between two notes of adjacent chords.
FALSE RIB, noun. Any of the ribs that do not articulate directly with the sternum, but connect indirectly via cartilage.
FALSE RIBS, noun. Plural of false rib
FALSE SABER-TOOTHED CAT, noun. US spelling of false sabre-toothed cat
FALSE SABER-TOOTHED CATS, noun. Plural of false saber-toothed cat
FALSE SABRE-TOOTHED CAT, noun. A nimravid.
FALSE SABRE-TOOTHED CATS, noun. Plural of false sabre-toothed cat
FALSE SCENT, noun. A scent laid down to distract a predator that hunts by smell from the scent trail of its prey.
FALSE SCENT, noun. (writing) A misleading expectation created by ambiguous writing
FALSE SCORPION, noun. Pseudoscorpion
FALSE SHOWER, noun. (juggling) A pattern in which all the props (usually balls) are thrown in the same direction like a shower, but with the hands crossing and uncrossing.
FALSE SHOWERS, noun. Plural of false shower
FALSE SIGNAL, noun. An event or emanation to which a sensing device gives an undesired positive response.
FALSE START, noun. (sports) The starting of a race before being signaled to do so.
FALSE STARTS, noun. Plural of false start
FALSE STEP, noun. A misstep; a stumble.
FALSE STEP, noun. (idiomatic) An erroneous action or decision.
FALSE STEPS, noun. Plural of false step
FALSE STRAWBERRY, noun. A plant, Potentilla indica, that produces a fruit resembling a strawberry.
FALSE TACK, noun. (nautical) A coming up into the wind and filling away again on the same tack.
FALSE TEETH, noun. A set of dentures
FALSE TREVALLY, noun. A fish of the species Lactarius lactarius.
FALSE TRUFFLE, noun. Any of various fungi that have underground fruiting bodies which resemble truffles.
FALSE TRUFFLES, noun. Plural of false truffle
FALSE VAMPIRE BAT, noun. Spectral bat
FALSE WIDOW, noun. A spider with an appearance similar to the black widow, but which is not known to be deadly to humans, unlike the black widow.
FALSE WIDOWS, noun. Plural of false widow
FALSE WITNESS, noun. (countable) A perjurer; a deceptive or misleading witness.
FALSE WITNESS, noun. (uncountable) (countable) Deceptive public statements.
FALSE WITNESSES, noun. Plural of false witness
FALSE WORKS, noun. Construction works, such as scaffolding, to facilitate the erection of the main work.
Dictionary definition
FALSE, adverb. In a disloyal and faithless manner; "he behaved treacherously"; "his wife played him false".
FALSE, adjective. Not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality; "gave false testimony under oath"; "false tales of bravery".
FALSE, adjective. Arising from error; "a false assumption"; "a mistaken view of the situation".
FALSE, adjective. Erroneous and usually accidental; "a false start"; "a false alarm".
FALSE, adjective. Deliberately deceptive; "false pretenses".
FALSE, adjective. Inappropriate to reality or facts; "delusive faith in a wonder drug"; "delusive expectations"; "false hopes".
FALSE, adjective. Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; "it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur"; "faux pearls"; "false teeth"; "decorated with imitation palm leaves"; "a purse of simulated alligator hide".
FALSE, adjective. Designed to deceive; "a suitcase with a false bottom".
FALSE, adjective. Inaccurate in pitch; "a false (or sour) note"; "her singing was off key".
FALSE, adjective. Adopted in order to deceive; "an assumed name"; "an assumed cheerfulness"; "a fictitious address"; "fictive sympathy"; "a pretended interest"; "a put-on childish voice"; "sham modesty".
FALSE, adjective. (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful; "a false friend"; "when lovers prove untrue".
Wise words
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be