Associations to the word «Localization»
- Phosphorylation
- Mrna
- Microscopy
- Globalization
- Lesion
- Cortex
- Tomography
- Specificity
- Kinase
- Protein
- Imaging
- Rna
- Opioid
- Locale
- Subunit
- Nucleus
- Vesicle
- Receptor
- Biopsy
- Mapping
- Cue
- Oskar
- Signaling
- Biosynthesis
- Gall
- Peptide
- Membrane
- Subtype
- Signal
- Activation
- Tumor
- Epilepsy
- Cns
- Fluorescence
- Chromosome
- Synapse
- Meg
- Binding
- Neurotransmitter
- Nintendo
- Ligand
- Taiwanese
- Pathway
- Mri
- Lobe
- Domain
- Spindle
- Tyrosine
- Equivalence
- Transcription
- Antibody
- Neuron
- Dipole
- Stimulation
- Electron
- Apoptosis
- Ultrasound
- Neuroscience
- Substrate
- Selectivity
- Specialization
- Tissue
- Stimulus
LOCALIZATION, noun. The act of localizing.
LOCALIZATION, noun. (software engineering) The act or process of making a product suitable for use in a particular country or region.
LOCALIZATION, noun. The state of being localized.
LOCALIZATION, noun. (algebra) A systematic method of adding multiplicative inverses to a ring.
Dictionary definition
LOCALIZATION, noun. A determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target".
LOCALIZATION, noun. (physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body.
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.