Associations to the word «Subtype»
- Agonist
- Influenza
- Receptor
- Dsm
- Selectivity
- Serotonin
- Schizophrenia
- Dopamine
- Carcinoma
- Lymphoma
- Opioid
- Leukemia
- Flu
- Antagonist
- Prognosis
- Affinity
- Ligand
- Virus
- Classification
- Subunit
- M1
- Lymphocyte
- Swine
- Cloning
- Peptide
- Neuron
- Pharmacology
- Climate
- Neurotransmitter
- Inhibition
- Hiv
- Disorder
- Dementia
- Synapse
- Estrogen
- Signaling
- Delusion
- Antibody
- Localization
- Potency
- Activation
- Inhibitor
- Tumor
- Sclerosis
- M2
- Specificity
- Deletion
- Progenitor
- M3
- Onset
- Bind
- Kinase
- Genes
- Strain
- Mutation
- Syndrome
- Degeneration
- Differentiation
- Cns
SUBTYPE, noun. A group of specific things within a larger, more general group.
SUBTYPE, noun. (computing) The data type represented by a subclass.
SUBTYPE, verb. To categorise as a subtype.
SUBTYPE POLYMORPHISM, noun. (programming) (language theory) Synonym of subtyping.
SUBTYPE POLYMORPHISMS, noun. (programming) (language theory) plural of subtype polymorphism
Wise words
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